Recent content by TheklaF

  1. T

    New chicks and now a broody hen

    I’ve been wanting to get more chickens and was hoping one of my hens would go broody. Since none of them seemed interested I got 7 chicks from McMurrays. Now my hen is brooding 🙃 chicken Math at its finest! once my new chicks hatch do I need to add chick food to the coop? Can I leave them in...
  2. T

    starting up my flock

    We just ordered some chicks at McMurray Hatchery and received perfect little chicks 3 days later. They had a lot to choose from under the currently available section. Might help you if you’re ok with getting chicks.
  3. T

    Hens brooding

    Wow!! I guess that would make total sense! I will try and maybe leave some in come spring. Thank you very much!
  4. T

    Hens brooding

    Thank you!!
  5. T

    Hens brooding

    This might be a dumb question but I would love to have some chicks and would really like for a hen to start brooding at some point. Do I need to do anything to “encourage “ that or will they automatically just start to be broody? I have 7 hens and 1 rooster.
  6. T

    Had to rehome my chickens

    Absolutely!! I just can’t understand to complain about something that doesn’t affect me at all :hmm
  7. T

    Had to rehome my chickens

    We had to rehome our chickens after one of our neighbors complained that we are outside of the chicken zone. It’s really sad considering that you really have to look into our backyard to even have seen our girls. The lady from the county who came by suggested I write to the board of supervisors...
  8. T

    Soft Eggs

    They have feed available 24/7. I'm giving them a handful of scratch during the day and some leftovers every now and then. It's only one of my hens who has this problem - all the other eggs are fine. :hmm
  9. T

    Soft Eggs

    My chickens have been laying for about 3 months now without any problems. I just cleaned the coop and found 2 soft-shelled eggs. I have 5 chickens: 3 Golden Comet and 2 Black Australorp. I know the soft ones are coming from my Australorp (I had 3 perfect ones from my Golden Comets this...
  10. T

    Our first eggs!

    :):):):););););) That’s funny :lol: I’ve been on Pinterest an hour already looking up egg recipes. This was after the egg muffins were in the oven and Omelettes eaten :)
  11. T

    Our first eggs!

    We just got back from a weekend away and checked on the girls. We had 10 eggs :celebrate (we have 5 hens). I’m so excited!! Now I have to figure out some good recipes because I can’t wait to taste these eggs.
  12. T

    Is this too young to tell the sex?

    That’s what I’m hoping for!
  13. T

    Is this too young to tell the sex?

    Still no quacks :(
  14. T

    Is this too young to tell the sex?

    My ducks are about 5 weeks old now. I’m not sure if I would see a curly tail feather at this point yet but as of right now they look female, right?
  15. T

    First Outing

    :):) This is how feathered they are
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