Recent content by tuthillny

  1. Dark Cornish and Tomaru Longcrower x CRx

    Dark Cornish and Tomaru Longcrower x CRx

  2. Tomaru Longcrower

    Tomaru Longcrower

  3. Ducky the meat bird

    Ducky the meat bird

  4. Tomaru Longcrower x CRx  and the Dark Cornish

    Tomaru Longcrower x CRx and the Dark Cornish

  5. White bird is Tomaru Longcrower x CRx

    White bird is Tomaru Longcrower x CRx

  6. tuthillny

    What causes Lungs with black/grey spots - Photos

    Thank you. I am going to call cornell (I am in NY) first thing Monday and find out what I should. I was hoping someone else has seen this. Again, thank you.
  7. tuthillny

    What causes Lungs with black/grey spots - Photos

    The first two photos came from a splash Marans (23-2-2012) and a black Americauna/Maran (9-5-2013). I butchered them yesterday and outside of the lungs everything looked perfectly normal. Next two photos came from a silver laced Brahma x partridge Cochin (17-7-2011). She also had no other...
  8. tuthillny

    Odd find at duck harvest today

    Internal layer. I had a chicken who was not laying so I decided to butcher her. That is when I discovered the reason she was not laying. It looked just like your photo (only smaller) - kind of like a hard boiled egg with many layers.
  9. tuthillny

    Mysterious Strawberry Comb Roo--Help?

    Hi, Why do you say he has a strawberry comb? His comb looks too big for that. It is hard to tell from the photo but is he a bantam or LF? Well he is not a leghorn or a buttercup, though his coloring is reminiscent, his earlobes are not white nor are his legs willow. I think it would be helpful...
  10. tuthillny

    Not happy with processor- what is this?

    I believe those would be his testis.
  11. tuthillny

    What is up with my hard-boiled egg?

    About 4 weeks ago I came across the egg in the first photo. I have never seen the whites - so not white. The second photo is from yesterday. I am at a loss as to what can be wrong. All my birds are healthy.
  12. tuthillny

    Creole Dorkings????

    Joyous, I found your thread and I seem to remember this from last year. I am not a big poster but I read alot in different forums. Anyway, I love the photos you took of your chicks at different ages and was then surprised to read that someone may have absconded with them. I just shook my head...
  13. tuthillny

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hi everyone, About six weeks I decided to make my own apple cider vinegar. I started with frozen apple juice which I made according to the directions and added a glugg or two of ACV with mother I then poured it in a glass container and put it in a dark cool spot and forgot it for a while. So...
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