Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Zootopia - I use this for my brooders every time. I stir it up daily and then clean it out 1-2 times per week, depending on how many chicks there are and how bad it is. It's kind of like a deep litter for your brooder. It's basically a pine crumble. Then they get pine shavings when they go outside.

Pine Crumbles??? I had never heard of that before. I wonder if TSC would carry it...... Question: Do you cover the shavings/crumbles with paper towels when you first put the chicks/poults in the brooder?
I use an old broken hoe handle. Very cheap, and very sturdy. Perfect for stirring FF.
Hey, that is what I use. I feel like a witch stirring her cauldron!

Lisa :)
Pine Crumbles??? I had never heard of that before. I wonder if TSC would carry it...... Question: Do you cover the shavings/crumbles with paper towels when you first put the chicks/poults in the brooder?
Hey, that is what I use. I feel like a witch stirring her cauldron!

Lisa :)

I use only paper towels for the first week, then I dump in the bedding without paper towels. The only reason I use paper towels for the first week really is to observe their poo and make sure they know what their feed is.
Hi everyone,
About six weeks I decided to make my own apple cider vinegar. I started with frozen apple juice which I made according to the directions and added a glugg or two of ACV with mother I then poured it in a glass container and put it in a dark cool spot and forgot it for a while. So this morning I went to check on it and imagin my surprise when I discovered that I was in possession of a lovely bottle of hard cider and yes I did take a tablespoon sip to confirm and boy is it hard! So how did this happen and where is my vinegar? Thanks
I use only paper towels for the first week, then I dump in the bedding without paper towels. The only reason I use paper towels for the first week really is to observe their poo and make sure they know what their feed is.

Thank you! I am getting ready for my first batch of eggs. Sooo much to remember!
I am going to start the little ones off with the ff and ACV in the water.

Lisa :)
Hi everyone,
About six weeks I decided to make my own apple cider vinegar. I started with frozen apple juice which I made according to the directions and added a glugg or two of ACV with mother I then poured it in a glass container and put it in a dark cool spot and forgot it for a while. So this morning I went to check on it and imagin my surprise when I discovered that I was in possession of a lovely bottle of hard cider and yes I did take a tablespoon sip to confirm and boy is it hard! So how did this happen and where is my vinegar? Thanks

If you keep your glass jar covered with a breathable material (I use coffee filters and rubber bands) it will be able to breathe and also keep the fruit flies out. I haven't found a way to get rid of those yet. Hopefully as the weather warms and I can move my operations outside, the fruit flies in the house will die off.
I use one of one plastic pans you put under plants to catch water as a "lid" on my FF bucket. It's not a tight seal so air gets in there but keeps the critters out. I cut a small hole for the spoon handle to poke thru
If you keep your glass jar covered with a breathable material (I use coffee filters and rubber bands) it will be able to breathe and also keep the fruit flies out. I haven't found a way to get rid of those yet. Hopefully as the weather warms and I can move my operations outside, the fruit flies in the house will die off.

I use one of one plastic pans you put under plants to catch water as a "lid" on my FF bucket. It's not a tight seal so air gets in there but keeps the critters out. I cut a small hole for the spoon handle to poke thru

I just let the bugs in...this morning as I was spooning out the feed, I noticed a caterpillar had gotten in the night before. You should have seen the chase that ensued once it was discovered by the guineas. And, goodness they go nuts for those purple-black beetles. I don't have flies or other such critters in a mass around the fermenting feed, though - just the occasional curiosity kill that happens once in a while. Y'all are having issues with fruit flies/bugs?

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