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  • I'd like to change the name of the thread, andrews new chicken breed name ideas suggestions, to barred Indiana red suggestions.
    Hey I'd like to change the name of my thread to something different
    BYC Support
    BYC Support
    What thread and what would you like it changed to?
    We bought a place outside Montgomery, Al with a 4 acre pond. It had 2 Peking ducks and one died. I am trying to find a few more Pekings to give it company. If anyone can put me in touch with a local I would appreciate it. Adult ducks only.
    This is the first time being on this site on my phone
    All I keep getting is adds popping up so I can't see anything.
    I have been trying to search a forum for 30 mins and haven't gotten anywhere because of all the adds.
    The new site is extremely NOT user friendly and unfortunately I am considering leaving backyard chickens.
    If there is a way to fix this please do!
    I am trying to post a ad for a fodder system I am going to sell, It keeps telling me I am not allowed to. What gives I have been a member since 2013, I used to participate in all sorts of discussions. I just read post now.
    I notice some members have their location under their avatar. How do I get mine to do this? I tried in the profile and added my location, but it's not posting.
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