Reviews by chippysmom327


Pros: Beautiful eggs; funny
Cons: eats a LOT
Unfortunately, my ameraucana hen Miriam was taken by a raccoon a few days ago (thanks for protecting her, dear rooster :rolleyes: ), but I figured I'd write a review on this amazing breed.

Miriam was the most hardcore hen I've ever owned. Hardcore being the key word. At first, she was very shy and at the bottom of the pecking order, but she also had some health problems when I first got her. So the health problems made her act differently and more laid back. Once she got better, she became much more spunky, and really just a hilarious chicken. She really marched the beat of her own drum, and just recently became the top of the pecking order, above our rooster.

She laid a gorgeous blue egg for me every day in summer, and if there was one thing that she love with all her chicken heart, it was food. She'd walk out across the yard in waist-deep (for her) snow just to chase the birds away from the feeder and eat the seed that they dropped. I fed all my chickens, so it's not like she was malnourished and had to eat the bird seed for nutrition. She ate SO much, but don't let that deter you from the breed.
Here she is, going to get that bird seed while the others stayed on the sidewalk:

I recommend the breed to anyone and everyone looking for a hilarious, spunky breed.


Super Admin
Pros: gorgeous
Cons: real punks; agressive; bad protectors
I have a golden sebright cockerel from Ideal (well at least that's what I think, the feed store and they had an Ideal poster hanging next to all the chick brooders) and I hate him. He's human-aggressive, and doesn't protect his girls at all. He only has two girls to take care of, and he let one of them get eaten by a predator. He doesn't do any of the things a rooster should do, like call his girls over for treats, warn them of predators, etc. He hogs all the food and puts himself first. And attacks my family and friends. We have 3 kids under the age of 3 here everyday, and we are constantly afraid of him attacking them. He crows ALL the time.

It could be that I just got a bad egg (er, chick rather) or maybe just Ideal's roos are mean.

Also, it'll be 45 degrees out and he'll be shivering. I like more cold hardy breeds. So if you live in th Northeast, don't get sebrights unless you plan on heating your coop or having them as pets in the winter.

The only plus side is that he really is a pretty bird. Even if he is "just hatchery stock".

Here he is:


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Edit: thought my hen was a NH but she's actually an RIR Light Sussex cross. Woops. Newbie mistake.
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