Reviews by GAchickennewbie

Pros: Sweet, Smart, Friendly, Excellent Layer
Cons: Wants to Be a House Hen
My girl Lotus is my pride and joy. She lets 5-year-olds pick her up, comes running with that goofy chicken gait any time I go outside. She comes for snuggles, not for food. She lays a good 6 eggs a week, not slowing down in the winter. Her eggs are huge and she even laid a double-yolker for me once. That was a new and treasured experience for me.

Only issue I have with her is she walks into the house any time the back door is open. Even if she is shoo'd out, she comes back in the moment the door is open again.
Pros: Excellent layers, get friendlier after they start laying
Cons: A Bit Bossy, Not the Smartest
I was worried when my Delaware was a chick, but once she started laying, she became very sweet and hunkers down to be picked up and snuggled. She is a bit bossy and I have seen her drive other hens away from the food dishes when she wants to eat, but multiple food dishes solve that problem.

They are big birds and lay consistently.

My girl has her not so intelligent moments, usually after a change to the coop. I had combined the two coops to give the girls more room and she was the last one to find the new door. She ran all around the outside of the coop, trying to figure out how to get in.
Pros: Excellent layers, very sweet, inquisitive, and loving
Cons: Sometimes a Little "Slow" in the thinking department.
Ours gets along great with new additions to the flock, very friendly.

She's not always the smartest bird in the flock, though. Even with 5 other hens to learn from, it still took her about a week after laying to lay her eggs in one of the two nesting boxes.
Pros: Excellent Layers, quiet, calm, love attention, survivors
Cons: Haven't found one yet.
Our girl is incredible! Lays 5 eggs a week like clockwork, doesn't mind being picked up and snuggled with. Gets along well with new additions to the flock.

Loving birds, not noisy, and very calm. They look gorgeous in the sunlight as the sun reflects off their feathers! Highly recommend this breed for anyone looking for a great laying hen.
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