Reviews by GimmeCake


Super Admin
Pros: Lays good-size eggs, lays often, very sweet, nice to other hens.
Cons: They'll grow old, eventually.
I have a roo and two hens of this breed. They are very sweet chickens.

My roo crows a lot, but I haven't seen him attack any chickens nor do any of them have peck marks. He doesn't like it, but he tolerates being picked up and being moved out of the way. Not once has he even attempted to hurt me. He also is good at protecting warning the chickens when he thinks something is coming. He also keeps the girls near him when they are outside as well as inform them when snacks come.

The hens are shy, but very sweet. They lay nice, and large brown eggs. Not much to say about them, other then they are great at laying and are they tolerate me, the roo, and all the other hens.


Super Admin
Pros: Big, nice, good looking birds
Cons: Very shy compared to other layer breeds
My Wyandottes are very nice, good looking chickens. They are actually the only breed I have so far that lets me hold them without complaining (other then the Australorp and Orpingtons). So far, I see nothing bad about them.

They are a bit shy though. When I get into the coop they always stand in the back waiting for the others to go first. They also don't peck at me, unless I have treats in my hand.

I highly recommend these for a laying flock.


Super Admin
Pros: A good general addition to the flock
Cons: Grumy
I may have got some bad ones out of the batch, but compared to my other breeds these things don't like humans (all the chickens regardless of the breed got the same amount of attention while chicks). But are kind to the other chickens for the most part. I'd recommend this to anyone looking for an addition to their flock. Of course, they still don't lay the biggest eggs or are the nicest chicken but they are a good breed of chicken worth looking into, and getting at least one. You may or may not like these curious breed of chickens.
Pros: Nice, Friendly, Curious
Cons: Can Be Mean
These birds are nice and happy all the time. They're one of the most interesting birds I've ever seen. These birds are very curious about their surroundings. I do have one though that is sorta mean, but considering she's still growing she may grow out of it. Anyway, good bird! I highly recommend this!
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