Reviews by HappyDancin'


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Pros: Fluffy & adorable. Sweet pets and great mothers. Broody.
Cons: A bit more upkeep, with the silkie feathers and feathered feet. Broody.
I love my silkies! This is a great chicken as a pet. They don't "need" as much space, and don't care to be up on a roost. They lay cute little cream colored eggs.

I specifically fell in love with the breed when my smooth silkie became a mother...WOW! She is SUCH a great mom...I've heard over and over that silkies are the best broodies. It's true! She opened my eyes even further to the complexities of chickens. She is so loving...and it's amazing to watch her teach the babies all the little life-lessons they need to know.

I have two full silkies, and two silkie mixes. Of course, I love them all. My experiences have shown me that Silkies are personable - they want to be close to their people. Sweet, cuddly and soft.
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Pros: Neat & unique comb. Cool personality.
Cons: Likes to jump out (over the fence) and free range. Vocal.
I have one Sicilian Buttercup... RC... I call her my "Racecar Chicken" - due to her head ornament (comb - she has a perfect little buttercup 'crown') and "spoiler" (erect tail) LOL.
I love her - and she makes me want to breed more just like her!

RC comes up to me to hang out. She likes to poke me, not peck...rather, it feels like she's "tapping me on the shoulder" (or my foot, ankle, to get my attention. She loves when I talk to her, and she chats back. She is very we can have a "conversation" that is back-and-forth! I love it!

(I don't mind this...though I see that some would...) She jumps the fence to free range, so she's always in-and-out of the pen. She is a great, active free-ranger. She is two years old and lays lovely little/medium white eggs...probably two or three a week.


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Pros: Beautiful birds, friendly personality.
I have two Sapphire Gem pullets, they have been wonderful so far. As baby chicks, they enjoy attention, and jump up onto my hand/knee to be pet and held.

I love the look of these chickens - they have such a pretty grey (blue) - with blue legs. Single comb.

I have yet to get I'll be looking forward to my "big brown eggs" - I may come back and update this soon, once my gals start laying regularly :)
Purchase Price
$5 each
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Pros: Very lovely birds. Right on time! Great labeling & packing. Good customer service. Good prices.
Hoover's really impressed me! It was my very first hatchery experience, I was scared, reading many failed hatchery shipments. Nervous that I would receive a box of dead babies, I emailed and called Hoover's, as well as calling the post office (again, only because I was nervous...there were no problems leading to my phone calls).

The chicks were all in there - with no extras (I hear other hatcheries do that... I would have no complaints about receiving an extra little chicky or two ;) haha). There was a nesting mat with the nutritional goo for them. The birds were shipped on a Wednesday (from Iowa) and I received them that Friday! (in Colorado)

The baby chicks arrived beautiful and healthy, and they still are (now they are 3 weeks). Hoover's will probably be who I order through in the future (though I plan to hatch my own, so I may not hatchery order again)
Purchase Price
15 chicks for $62
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Pros: Unique and adorable looking. Sweet, soft personality, often shy.
Cons: They seem a bit more vulnerable (due to their quiet/shyness?)
I've had experience with a few frizzles, and have felt the same way about each of them. I love them! They are so sweet and shy...they seem to almost prefer isolate themselves (rather than fight into pecking order).

They are quiet, too (which further leads into my shyness description) Even my frizzle rooster sounds gentle when he crows. The hens love him. I love him. And he's great at returning all that love.

I really appreciate their uniqueness...The soft curls of their fluffy feathers... they win the very cutest chicken award, in my opinion!


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Pros: Colorful eggs, friendly personality, hardy, easy keepers.
Cons: The incredibly wide variety of "mixes" to make an EE can lead to breed confusion.
I have several Easter Eggers: baby chicks, adult hens, and one Roo...

The babies are easily my sweetest, most attention craving little fluffies (of the variety of babies I have currently). The hens curiously follow me around 'chatting' with me. And the rooster respects my space and the hens. I love all of by EE birds, and highly recommend EEs, especially for new chicken keepers.
Pros: Illuminated digital display, large size, two viewing windows on top.
Cons: Extremely poor hatch rate. Very inconsistent temperature. Humidity inconstant as well.
I borrowed this incubator from a friend (who mentioned she only had 1 chick out of 12 hatch).

MY rookie that I trusted the temperature and humidity reading on the Little Giant. All the eggs died, slowly but surely...more blood rings each day. My hatch resulted with only ONE chick (out of 35 eggs!) I tried one more hatch - FIFTY eggs this time... None (NONE!!!) hatched.

These were my very first incubation experiences... I didn't know enough about calibrating and didn't think to NOT trust the tools on the incubator. How extremely disappointing.

Needless to say, I've purchased a new, different brand incubator of my own (Remember, the Little Giant is a friend's that I was borrowing), that will arrive tomorrow. I also ordered a thermometer/hydrometer tool to ensure my readings. I will put the tool in the Little Giant incubator and see what it reads :tongue I'm so mad at the L.G. incubator! It ruined almost 100 beautiful, fertile eggs. :mad:
Pros: No stink in my coop, less flies
Cons: Works only while dry - 'disappears' when wet
I bought this 50 lb bag on Amazon last July and I'm still using it!

I sprinkle it in the coop, before I lay my straw. I sprinkle it in the chickens' dust bath. I also dust my goats and chickens with it for lice/mite prevention... I haven't had problems with of those (as a result?)
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