Reviews by hiddenacres


Super Admin
Pros: they are broody mothers, they are funny to watch, eat slugs in gardens with out harming plants, FLUFFY
Cons: there eggs are kind of small and they dont lay as much due to the broody factor
I love this bird because they are good for show and they are also broody mothers alot. The eggs are not very big but look at the bird they are kinda small to me. They do like to eat slugs and they do not always eat plants. They are easy to let free range but hawks are a big issue due to not being able to see very well (feathers block view).
Pros: easy to get along with, nice, not easily scard, laying machines, loveable, bueatifull
Cons: i have none
This is the best possible e bird you can buy for beginners and they lobe people. I have 8 and average about 7-8 eggs a day all year round. I love my reds
Pros: Holds enough water to last a day, easy to fill, easy to clean, sturdy under a chicks weight, gives an additional roosting spot
Cons: spills alot, needs to be slightly elevated, fills with woodchips really fast
This is a good water container for the brooder and is easy to use and maintain. Can be used multiple years and give your little chicks a place to roost. The chicks do get woodchips in it fast and it gets a little slimy in the base part.
Pros: Holds lots of food, handle for walking with, easy to fill
Cons: heavy, lots of space taken
over all good and easy to have and use
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