Reviews by Jkraft


Super Admin
Pros: Eye candy, large eggs, dual purpose, quiet
Cons: none
I have a BLRW. She is a great layer! She lays large light brown eggs. She is friendly and quiet.


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful, Quiet, Friendly
Cons: Extremely Broody and hard to break
My partridge silkie didn't lay till she was almost 9 months old. I was thinking maybe my she is a he. She lays good, small brown eggs. But when she goes broody she is extremely hard to break and just wants to hatch some babies. She isn't to noisy and I really only ever here her when she sings her egg song and her growls when she is broody.


Super Admin
Pros: Quiet
Cons: None
I have a bantam frizzled black cochin. I got her as a laying hen. She is sweet and docile. She lays pretty well despite what I read. She has gone broody so that can be good or bad thing depending on your situation.


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful, White Eggs Layer, Friendly
Cons: Noisy
I have a Polish hen that is mottled with leakage and not a recognized color. She is a friendly bird and always come running with the rest when I go outside. She is good layer. Her eggs are white and always seem to be a little torpedo shape. She is very dramatic, screeches all day long, walks with her wings out, and because of her top hat she can't see well so she gets spoked easily.


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, Large brown eggs, dual purpose
Cons: None
I have 2 Buff Orpingtons. They started laying at 5 months and continued to do so through the winter with no artificial lighting. My two are extremely friendly and follow me everywhere. They will come in the house if the back door is open. They do great in cold climates. Large Chickens.

My Orps waiting for me by the back door

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