Reviews by Kluk-Kluk


Super Admin
Pros: Very sweet temperament, friendly, fuzzy and cute
Cons: Go broody and stop laying, hard to break the broodiness, easy target for predators
My silkies (past and present - I have just one now) have been very laid back and friendly. They did go through a period when they were pullets that they were afraid of people. I think this has to do with their vision - or lack thereof when their downy feathers cover their eyes - and possibly not knowing their owner yet. But once grown, they are very sweet, easy to pick up and cuddle, and so lovely. They are a little ungainly looking and definitely unusual looking for a chicken - kind of like a stuffed toy. Friends who don't own or know chicken breeds are often surprised at their appearance.

I've had silkies who go broody every couple of months, and silkies that have not gone broody at all. The ones who went broody were hard to break of it. I had to put them in a wire cage with no bedding for a couple of days - with food and water, and within sight of the flock. Hated to do it, but it was the only way that worked.

The silkies' slower gait and possibly blocked vision has caused my silkies (in a mixed flock) to be the first target for predators.


Super Admin
Pros: Calm, friendly, good layer
Cons: I have nothing but good to say about my Brahmas
I love my Brahmas. They are large, fluffy, friendly birds who lay well and get along with all my hens of six other breeds. They don't pick on the bantams, but even though they are the largest birds, they aren't at the top of the pecking order (the Red Sex-Links are) because they are so docile. Absolutely wonderful hens. I plan to get more of them in the future!


Super Admin
Pros: Lays a lot of white eggs
Cons: Flighty, agressive towards hens of other breeds, run s around a lot.
Although a good layer, after a hawk got our only leghorn, I do not care to own another leghorn. She was at the top of the pecking order of our mixed flock and had a rather mean temperament. She wasn't friendly towards people either - not aggressive, but not friendly. It's possible that this leghorn just had her own not-so-nice personality, but I don't want any more leghorns after her.
Pros: Lay a lot, friendly towards people, the first to run to any person approaching the flock
Cons: Aggressive towards other breeds in my flock, seem to be easy pickings for hawks when not enclosed
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