Reviews by lilapot

Pros: Tempermant-Mine loved humans, and were very friendly
Good with kids
Good Layers
Cons: Could be a bit noisy
My Barred Rock was the best chicken I ever had. Friendly, and outgoing, she was the perfect family hen, while also producing a good amount of eggs. Good for Houston weather, heat resistant. She rose to the top of the pecking order quickly.

Friendly, and outgoing, she was the perfect family hen, while also producing a good amount of eggs.

Highly Recommend.

Barred Rock

Pros: likes to be held,good layer,very friendly
Cons: Likes to escape.
Our barred rock is the most friendly bird ever! She really has a personality.


Pros: Looks after my barred rock,very good layer,mostly gentle
Cons: None so far.
I love our Ameraucana Cider. She looks after the other chicken,is a very good layer,and is pretty gentle. Although she doesn't like to be picked up,she won't struggle if I do.
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