Reviews by msazeeta

Pros: Consistant layer, large eggs, docile, quiet, winter hardy
Cons: Doesn't like to be held
This is the perfect backyard chicken in my opinion. Mine lays the largest eggs in my flock. Beautiful eggs, light pinkish brown and thick shelled. She was my only chicken who laid every day throughout the winter. She is docile, sweet and quiet. My only complaint is that she hates being held, I know this won't matter for most folks!
Pros: Love to be held, beautiful birds
Cons: skittish as chicks, difficult to identify sex before maturity
I am obsessed with these birds! I will start by saying that mine are not laying yet so I have no idea if the eggs will be blue, green, or something else. They have the best personalities and make great pets. I started with 3, one turned out to be a rooster and it broke my heart to give him away because I was already so emotionally attached to them at just 2 months old. They are very docile and mine love to be held, I may have started spending more time with my easter egger pullets than my cats! I swear they like to be cuddled just as much as my cats do, maybe even more. They run up to me when I am in the backyard and like to jump up and perch on my head and arms and fall asleep in my lap. With that being said I did earn their trust by feeding them mealworms when I discovered how skittish they were as chicks.

I'm very excited for my girls to start laying and I'm curious to see what color eggs they lay. In all honesty I don't really care what color eggs they lay because their personalities make them such a joy to have!.A must have for any backyard flock!
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Pros: smart, flock protector, sweet, beautiful, curious, great forager
Cons: loud, flighty, slow to develop,
A neighbor gave me 2 of these as chicks and I ended up giving both away. One turned out to be a rooster which I had to re-home, and I think separating him from his sister started her off on the wrong foot in my flock. She was always very vocal from a young age. It started when the older hens would chase her away from food, making her very food aggressive. She became lowest of the pecking order and every morning would voice her dissent by squawking loudly at feed time for an hour, non-stop. My older hens would constantly chase her and she would fly over the fence. I never bothered to trim her wings because I felt that she was justified at trying to get away. She is flighty and not easy to catch but once held is very sweet. She didn't start laying until about 6+ months old. Because she never fit in with my other hens I eventually gave her away to a friend who had a much more welcoming flock. I'm happy to say that she is very happy and finally being included in an established flock, I have been told that she is now laying regularly and is very broody at times. Not great for a small backyard, your neighbors will not be happy if your hen is as loud as a rooster.

I will say that she was a great forager, very smart, and beautiful to look at. She would regularly escape to the other side of my yard to scavenge. Once I saw her jump on a squirrel and chase it out of the yard. It was hilarious to watch and I appreciated that since squirrels love to steal fruit in the Summer. I want the squirrels to know which yard to avoid ;)
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Pros: Sweet, quiet,
Cons: not consistent layer, nervous, shy,
I only have one of these girls and in my personal experience she has been the least consistent layer out of my hens. She took 1-2 months longer than my chooks the same age to start laying. When she did start they were all soft shelled or shell-less. I had to give oyster shells before she started laying normally, every once in a while they still come out soft or cracked. She has also pushed her eggs out of the laying box a few times. She did not lay during the winter. She does not like to be held and she is not the brightest of the bunch. Also has been the most broody of my flock but some consider that a pro since it makes for a good mother hen.

Although she is not a consistent layer she lays beautiful smallish brown eggs, perfectly smooth and sometimes speckled. What I can say positive is that she has always been sweet with new birds to the flock, especially younger, smaller chickens. She is almost like a welcoming bird. I've never seen her peck the lowest birds in the pecking order. Great for small backyard flocks because I've noticed this bird is very quiet and coos, doesn't tend to squawk like some of my other birds. Since I have neighbors I can appreciate that.
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