Reviews by srothove


Super Admin
Pros: Sweet
My Buff girl is a sweetheart. She is not aggressive, but does not like to be held, either. She is a dependable producer of about one large, dark brown egg a day. Drumstick (her name - long story), is a good example of an easy going hen who is low maintenance.
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Pros: Good layer
Cons: Can be aggressive with the rest of the hens
My Stew-a-loo is a good producing little turd. Yeah, I said turd instead of bird. She can be a little food aggressive towards the other hens, picking a bite of tomato out the mouth of another hen or running into another hen and bumping her so the unsuspecting hen drops whatever is in her mouth. If I bring out treats to hand feed them, she will bite my finger (probably hoping I drop the entire handful!). She is smart, but doesn't take any crap. She hates to be held and will fight to get out, despite my firm yet gentle grasp on her. Who was it that told me this Plymouth Rocks are sweet and personable??

She is my most reliable producer, leaving about an egg a day, probably saving her so far from the Stew-pot!
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Pros: very friendly
Cons: can be on the reserved side with more aggressive hens
Now to review Nugget, my favorite chicken. My Easter Egger hen has the most friendly personality. She will answer to her name (I spoiled her), come over to you and if you kneel, she will jump on your leg. She will jump to my other leg and move her way up my arm.

She calls out when she sees me and jumps to a higher ground to watch me in the kitchen. She will sit there and watch me.

In the evenings, I will pick her up and she will nuzzle up to me, burying her head into my hair near my neck. Sometimes, I bring her to my (indoor) office and sit her on my desk. She will chill there on the end of the desk. (No, she has never pooped on my desk.)

She lays about an egg a day and was the first to stop laying when it got cold and the light became less than 12 hours. Her eggs are a medium sized light blue and can be expected about every other day. She has a little comb over on the back of her head, where her feathers from each side of her face meet in the middle in the back of her head. Mine is a darker golden color scheme that is sort of laced looking.

Her personality is absolutely unbelievable and for that, she will never end up on the dinner table. I am very attached to this chicken.
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