

Black Star and Red Star are trade names used for hybrids of two other recognized breeds, not...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Black and
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Black Star and Red Star are trade names used for hybrids of two other recognized breeds, not itself an APA recognized breed. They are one of many hybrids more commonly called Red Sex-Linked or Black Sex-links.

Typically a red male chicken breed is crossed with a white or barred female to breed them.

Crossing a Rhode Island Red male and a Delaware female makes a Red Star. By crossing a Rhode Island Red male and a Barred Plymouth Rock female, a Black Star is created.

Latest reviews

Terrible Breed!!!
Pros: NOTHING!!!
Cons: Die at 1 year old
Start laying soon but die
Prone to health problems
Practically factory made!
I am really NOT impressed with the ISA Brown chickens or any related forum of them.
Wouldn't Buy Again
Pros: Solid layers the first year
Cons: Aggressive to flock mates, have issues laying after year 2, health problems
The Red Stars are my least favorite breed that I currently have. Sure, they laid great their first two years. However, I have one that continuously lays a soft egg and no amount of calcium or calcium pills have helped. I'm seriously considering culling her, due to her bullying nature. They are incredibly aggressive to other members of the flock. The high rate of egg production is just not worth the amount of issues that they have.
Purchase Date
Feb 2020
The star of the show
Pros: Sweet
good layers
good 4 kids
Cons: Not always nice 2 hens
molts a lot
Ruby, our hen is adorbs! we love her a lot. She clucks and squacks a lot. Pretty loud.


stars are lovely birds, ive recently got a white star who is a lovely looking bird, a sussex star, who follows you everywhere and a black star, her feathers are stunning the detail off the black and copper colour on her. Must admit im glad i got the star breed, they're lovely.
This is very valuable information -- thank you!. I remember seeing this somehwere a while back but had forgotten. I have a sex link who was given to me, and she now lays HUGE very thin-shelled mis-shapen eggs. I can't put them in a regular egg crate and they are so ugly I would not sell them, so we eat them ourselves. Otherwise she is a sweet as pie, curious, intelligent, and will eat anything -- including slugs! Which she teaches the rest of the flock to do, earning my undying gratitude. For some reason she and her sister (who I lost to a predator) were both the hands-down favorites for every rooster I ever had (three in all) to the point that the poor little sex link got a bald back and had to be fittted with an apron. Her feathers have grown back now, but she still looks a bit ragged, compared to my four-year-old Welsumers from Whitmore Farm, who are still gorgeous.
That's interesting - our three reds were also our rooster's favorites. We have now lost our last red to the cancer that recurred, and our rooster is pretty inconsolable as she was the love of his life. He has stopped wandering around hoping to find her, but is in a cranky mood most of the time, and has taken to sleeping in the nest box.
Mis-shapen eggs and thin shells are an early sign of reproductive track issues, so you may want to keep a close eye on her.
Had black sex-links too and can report the excellent foraging, alert, friendly, as well colors, from partridge to almost all black. Males are all like barred rocks. Tho if cross to themselves get 25% barred rocks 25% whatever red breed they came from and 50% sex links again and the roos are not necessarily barred.
I would of thought the genetics would be excellent due to being F1 hybrid vigor. Mine lived as long as needed them.
Would highly recommend, they were egg laying machines, light as a carcass tho, small breasts. Laying seemed to be what they excelled at for me.
I do, and will continue. You are the third person to 'second" that I said about being the Roo's favorites! This little hen is so sweet, it just seems like she is a victim of her own genetics. Production first and last.
An egg a day is good but I'm not feeling good, I have 3 RIR, that are fully grown, 1 has a huge crown and wabler, 3 RIR that are a month behind them and 4 coppers. None of my 3 RIR have not started laying yet, and I had 7 copper Marans in the beginning, One got ate by my Razor Back Sow, so I ate the sow. One died for no apparent reason, and another one got gunky eyes, one was glued shut, and after laying around gasping for a week it died, Three more had the same thing but recouperated, and one that is still getting better. I only have 4 Maran left now and the last one in the sick pen is still in there. when she feels strong enough she will jump up and out like the other 3 did. I will put lime in there and let it rest a week, and then take down the chicken wire and let it be part of the run again. My lucky girls have a 12x7 dog kennel for a coop with a tarp roof that covers the entire side and back where the laying boxes are. Sweet set up.
I have a Red Star and she is the friendliest in my flock..she always comes to greet me, eats from my hand and loves to b held.
I love my Henrietta! She's the one in my picture.
I have a Black Star and she's incredibly personable. She comes to me for back rubs and shuts her eyes while I give them, and will let anyone pick her up. She's beautiful---shines blue in the sunlight, and she's super sweet to the other hens. She'll get up on the top of the door to the coop, but has never tried to fly over the fence or do anything naughty. Well, other than rearrange my mulch...
Here is an update on my Red Stars. They are now 7 months old and are great layers. I have ten hens including 2 Red Stars who all lay almost everyday. I get 9-10 eggs a day. The two Red Stars lay eggs that are larger, darker brown and rounder than any of the other chickens. I really like the size. They started laying almost a month before most of the other hens.
I have these!!! I'm not sure if what i have are Red Stars or Black Stars.... I have ones that are black and others that are reddish orange. Anyways I agree with you. These are great birds to have around! Funny as can be, good tempered towards me, but feisty amongst themselves. I currently have a hen with chicks and they are Excellent mothers! so that is a plus! I would definately choose these again.
This is an excellent review. Both informative and upbeat. I love the example that the understand "lets go". Very nice!
I know this comment is way late but were your second generation sex links still sexable by color? Ive heard they dont breed tru for second gen so i figured id ask before i try ha

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Chicken Breeds
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4.36 star(s) 160 ratings

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