

The Lakenvelder is a Dutch breed from the dutch town Lakervelt. First exhibited in England in...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Flighty,Bears confinement well,Shy
Breed Colors/Varieties
Silver lakenvelder: black white black;blue white blue;brown white brown are being created.Buff white buff are being created but it is not a lakenvelderpattern genetically. Vorwerk is the Dutch breed with the black gold black pattern.
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Lakenvelder breed originated in the Nordrhein-Westfalen area of Germany and neighbouring areas of the Netherlands, notably the Utrecht area. Both regions follow a slightly different breed standard. They are thought to be a distant relative of the Brakel and Campine breeds, as well as some local rare breeds of the era. The breed was popular during the first half of the 1800’s but were replaced by the more productive Barnevelder breed by the end of the century.Thought to be named after the town of Lakenvelt in the Netherlands,it was first recorded in 1727 and was imported into Britain in 1901, where it was shown in Shrewsbury in 1902.

The breed was exported to the USA from Britain somewhere around 1905 and was admitted to the APA's Standard of Perfection in 1939.

Lakenvelder chicks

Lakenvelder juvenile

bantam Lakenvelder P.jpg
Lakenvelder hen

bantam Lakenvelder K.jpg
Lakenvelder rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-lakenvelder.1116268/
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Latest reviews

Pros: Intelligent and Pretty
Cons: Flighty, Too smart, don't do confinement, crazy, fast, not docile at all
This was just my personal Lakenvelder probably, but oh my goodness she ruined it for me. No more lakenvelders for us. She was a very flighty, didn't lay well(maybe an egg every 2 weeks), would attack anything including people, and not to mention absolutely insane. The only time she wasn't crazy was when she was attacked by our australorp and she was really chill, but I think it was because she hurt so bad. I hope you all had better luck than me. My girl has spurs, huge red comb and wattles. She has every single rooster characteristic, except she layed eggs.

Pros: Friendly to people, beautiful, learn fast, intelligent
Cons: Gives a new meaning to "Does not handle confinement".
Mine are a week old, so I don't have a lot to judge on yet, but they've been so full of character that I was afraid I'd forget some of their antics by the time they reach maturity. I'll update when they do. I have a golden, Hornet, and a silver, Owlet. They are from Ideal Hatchery. I bought them at a feed store while traveling, and had them in a box. They began to fly out on Day 2. The box was 2 or 3 times their height. It was impossible to put them down for a nap, they wouldn't sleep at all during the day. So far, I have not seen them nap. They prefer to explore. When they were in their box, I'd leave the room, and 5 minutes later, I'd find them "foraging" in the kitchen. They love people, run right up to me when I come home. I ended up taking them outside, because it was warm and sunny. They had no problem with the weather, and were able to stay outside for a little less than an hour. Right now, I am watching them run around on the floor, eating crumbled mealworm and hopping about. They have not been aggressive with my other chicks, unlike my Sumatras. Neither one has been phased by bigger chicks, or any thing else for that matter. They seem more clean conscious than usual, not pooing in their food and water, spilling their water less often, etc. I would definitely not recommend for a backyard flock, because they do NOT like confinement. They flew out of the box when they were less than a week, and now, at one week old today, they come running out whenever given the chance. They are loud, but good birds so far.

Hornet and Owlet, 10 minutes ago.
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Pros: This breed is a good egg laying breed and very sweet.
Cons: A bit flighty, but this is a really good thing if you have free range chickens.
I have 9 Lakenvelders currently. All of mine are very friendly and sociable. They lay creamy colored eggs and are a good egg laying breed. They aren't a duel purpose breed, they are slightly bigger than bantams.


I had read that opossums would steal eggs, but not that they would attack/eat a chicken. I'm guessing it got in through a gap in the roofing of the coop (now fixed) since there's a tree whose branches extended over the run. Glad this hasn't happened to yours!
I had a Lakenvelder rooster who was also very aggressive. The ONLY thing that kept him alive was his beauty. His name was Chip and when I was out of town about 3 years ago, the person I asked to shut the coop door at night got here a little too late one night and he got killed. I still think I would like to have that breed. I'm partial to black and white animals and a glutton for punishment!
I think that he took 6 months longer to get to the stew pot than he should have, lol.
I had a couple of hens of this breed & I hated them. They're flighty & never get used to you no matter how long you have them. They're just crazy birds & I won't ever have them again.
This was a hysterical breed review. Loved it. Is yours from a hatchery or a breeder? Wondering if they'd been bred indiscrimantely. I had Silver Spangled Hamburgs and they were crazy little chickens, but I never had one try to attack me and as the smallest cockerels in the flock, they didn't stand a chance against my Buckeye and Barred rock roos.
Marengoite, they came from a hatchery. I still have the occasional nightmare being attacked by Norman, but thankfully, it's less occurring a year after he left my property.
Oooh, she''s very pretty. Was she always feisty? I have 6, 3 white 3 gold, but not as clean as your Salt. They're only 6 weeks and all still get along nicely. But, they do chase off the Welsummers who are 2 weeks younger. The 2 BR, also younger, are standing their ground. Hoping it's just normal pecking order occuring.
Want to add my obsevations because many of the above remarks may discourage many potential owners off. I have 6, 3 white and 3 gold. They're very friendly with each other but do chase off the younger Welsumers, although not very aggressively. I wouldn't call them flighty, just cautious and very, very busy, running around and checking everything out. O.K. a disclaimer, my girls are just 6 weeks old and may get more bossy with age, but so far they're very nice to have and so pretty.
Lovely review. You told it like it is but without bashing the breed. Some breeds are indeed wilder in temperament but still have other great qualities. You obviously care for your little "monster" as I have cared for some other monster breeds of my own LOL! The important thing is to research breed temperaments in advance so that gentler breed temperaments are not mixed with wilder breed temperament. We love Leghorn varieties but ultimately had to re-home them because of their overly assertive Mediterranean temperaments around non-combatives like bantams and Ameraucanas.
LOL! This description was hilarious! I had to show my husband this response from a guy... which had me choking I laughed so hard. He described the bird alright ...bwahahaha!

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