
Best Nest Box - Rollaway Nest Box - Community Style

This egg saving nest box easily converts to either a front or rear rollaway. The bottom egg tray...

General Information

This egg saving nest box easily converts to either a front or rear rollaway. The bottom egg tray is mounted on either the front or back of the box and is reversible at any time. The slightly angled floor allows eggs to roll away from the hens' reach to keep eggs clean and to reduce egg eating. This community style box is available in 2 sizes. The 24" box accommodates up to 20 hens and the 48" box accommodates up to 45 hens. Easy assembly. No riveting. Reversible egg tray at anytime. Nest pad included.

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Latest reviews

Pros: The eggs roll away as they should. I helps deter hens from pecking and eating the eggs. The thing is sturdy.
Cons: When you have aggressive, older hens, they tend to take longer while keeping others out. This creates a traffic jam in hens waiting for their turn.
We bought a house already supplied with laying hens. Inside their coop was one of these boxes. The thing looks like it might be near a decade old from two owners ago and has some wear and tear, but it's still in great working condition.

We know others who are battling chickens eating their own eggs. And once hens get a taste for them, it's hard to stop them. With this, we've noticed a pecked hole on the occasional egg. They try for whatever reason while it's probably stuck at their feet, but I guess it rolls away before they can penetrate the membrane and get to the good stuff. It doesn't happen again for another month or two.

The problem is that one of these girls is on the older side. I've noticed it takes her a little longer to get her egg out, but she doesn't want the others in the box with her while she's working the egg through. It's the largest box, but the only box, and the community laying style allows her to "defend" one end to the other. It creates a bit of a traffic jam.
Pros: easy to move. No pros if the hens don't use them.
Cons: Hens don't lay in them
We had them in the coop for about two weeks now. We tried doing the various suggestions to get the hens to use the boxes,but no success. We have RR Reds and Gold Stars. They lay them everywhere but in the box. I'm thinking it doesn't look natural to them so they are reluctant to use it for laying. Some walk around in it,but they never actually lay in it. If this keeps up, it's a waste of money. Sounds like a nice idea,but if the hens aren't comfortable with it, the human idea doesn't matter. We have used the plastic one that you screw to the wall and the hens used those on day one.

We'll try a little longer, but if they don't catch on soon, I'm afraid we wasted our money. When I look for any videos, I don't see any with them in actual use. There is one video with a bunch of hens standing in it, but they are not sitting as if they are laying eggs.


Please visit our website and our Facebook page to see helpful reviews as well. www.bestnestbox.com OR www.facebook.com/bestnestbox
Hello from Best Nest Box. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding issues that you are having. Hens do not always cooperate. We do have hundreds of satisfied and very happy customers across the USA. The video you are referring to was taken during the earlier morning during laying time and yes the 7 hens that are in the box are in there laying. If you see hens, standing that is because they are unhappy that they are being interrupted during their laying time. They could also be standing because it is time to lay an egg. Standing is part of the egg laying process. More than likely they are letting the camera know they are unhappy with the interruption. Here is a letter that we received yesterday from a farmer in OR.
We were skeptical regarding these group rollaway nests at first as we have used other rollaway nests before and had less than good results. We decided to try these as we wanted to reduce broken eggs from chickens pecking and we wanted cleaner eggs. We are very pleased with the results. Eggs are cleaner, much cleaner since we started using bestnest rollaway nests. We also rarely have broken eggs now. These nests work surprisingly well.The best results were found in a group of young hens that had not yet started laying before we put the nests in. Older hens that are used to laying in other nests seem to take some time to switch over. (habits are hard to change).We have a relatively small flock of chickens (about 700 hens), and we are very selective about where money is spent, the nest boxes we purchased were a very good investment and, for our operation, will pay for themselves over the course of 4 years or less with reduced damaged eggs alone. Also we have very demanding customers , many of whom don't want eggs that have been washed, these bestnest rollaway nest boxes make such much more doable. Labor saving is also significant. We will be ordering more as we want to have all our flock using them. I recommend these nest boxes to anyone wanting reduced egg breakage, cleaner eggs and labor saving. John EsplinEsplin Farm, Nehalem, OR
Just an update: They work great! it takes a little while for the hens to get use to them but they do.NO MORE DIRTY EGGS!
I ordered my nest box directly from the company website. bestnestbox.com
Before ordereing, I called and spoke with the owner because I was concerned about the heat in Texas, and if the nestbox may be too hot in our summers. After speaking with her I went ahead and ordered a large nest box. I am so glad I did. While my older hens were a little reluctant to use it at first my younger girls took right to it. I was able to stop broody hens, egg eating, and now I have clean eggs!
Fast forward about a year, and I emailed them, because I noticed the nest pad started splitting a little. No big deal, I just emailed to ask if that was just wear and tear. The owner emailed me back immediately and told me that she had already sent me a replacement pad.
Wow imagine my surprise when I not only got one, but 2 nest pad replacements. I am just so impressed with the customer service!
I recommend this nest box to anyone who is having dirty eggs, floor eggs, egg eaters, and unwanted broody hens!!

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