

The Wyandotte originated in the U.S. in the 1870's. Wyandottes were made in Massachusetts,...
Pros: Great layers, Beautiful colour, fantastic temperament

We have two Gold laced and they are fantastic. Just on point of lay and providing at least one egg a day each. Have had to change laying boxes around a few times due to severe weather lately and they haven't stopped laying once. Great with our kids and lovely and plump. Highly recommended
Pros: Great layers, pretty looking
I have 6 wyandottes- one male, one gold laced and 4 silver laced. I chose them because of how they looked (as we live in a historic farmhouse and are trying to recreate the look of a 19th century farm). I have no complaints- they have a great temperment and they lay eggs regularly.
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Pros: Calm, Good egg-layers, Quite
Cons: None
This is the breed I'm hooked on now. Mine lay on average 5 eggs a week. The thing I like the most is how quite they are, even when laying. I live in a cramped Las Vegas neighborhood and these hens never make enough noise to alert the neighbor to their presence.
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Pros: Best winter layers I've ever had.
Cons: Slack off a little bit in very hot weather.
I always have wyandottes around.
They lay a lot in cold weather where the others drop off.
A great variety of colors so I never get bored.
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Pros: They are very gentle, and don't peck.
Cons: The always jump over the run fence.
Colombians .. Great layers, beautiful eggs and most of all their beauty is the best. Your roosters will be falling for your Colombian hens.
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Pros: Amazing feather color, feels like that have dense fur instead of feathers, very warm to hold
Cons: Skiiitsh and Still not laying eggs
I have had her since June and she is still not laying eggs, Her size is leaps and bounds above the other hens, yet she is still at the lower end of the pecking order. Guess she hasn't realized her size.
I'm concerned about the lack of egg production. Anyone else have this issue?
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Pros: Beautiful
I have a Golden Laced Wyandotte hen that everyone always shows immediate interest in. She has a beautiful color pattern on her feathers, is naturally calm and curious. Her egg production is steady, not ever has she gone broody.

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Pros: Cold Hardy, Large, Solid
Cons: None
We have Wyandottes, both Large Fowl and Bantam. They have proven to be well suited for the cold weather we have in Wisconsin. Their small rose comp, hefty weight and "smarts" have them well adapted to our needs. Our Columbian Wyandotte layed 299 eggs her first 12 months, so egg production, at least in her case, was outstanding.

I highly recommend this breed for cold climates and those desiring a low maintenance bird!
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Pros: Pretty
Cons: Can be mean
i have five of them. they are mean to the other chickens if they get to close.
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Pros: lovely feather pattern, good layer
Cons: crazy as a soup sandwich
I have only owned one Silver-Laced Wyandotte. She was a hatchery bird, which may have some influence, but she was the craziest bird I have ever owned. Looked great and layed frequently but would run around in a frenzy until she knocked herself over. She hated to be collected at night; she would not go in the coop with the other girls unless you made her. She was also very small but that is compared to a RIR and an Oprington. Overall a bit too odd for my flock.
Pros: soft feathers, VERY broody, great layer
Cons: does NOT bear confinement well
she is not mean at all. she is a great layer. she is moderately scared because i didn't raise her and the previous owner didn't tame her down. She hatched 1 duck and 1 chicken. I have them locked up because of a fox and I have to check constantly (when I'm home) to see if she has found her way out of the coop.
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Pros: nice looking bird
Cons: very flighty
I got one as a chick, and although I raised her practically her whole life, shes my least friendly hen. She is pretty though.
Pros: docile, friendly, attractive
Purchased a p[air that won 2nd place at the Raleigh State Fair. We wanted a friendly breed that wouldn't mind being held and that would be a good producer of eggs. If the man we purchased them from didn't live 4 hours away I would purchase ALL my chickens from him! Looking to add some red and blue laced pullets to the flock. We have the two 6 month olds now, a roo and a pullet.
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Pros: Friendly, Good Layers
Cons: Usually hatchery birds, NOT on the bottom of a pecking order
I got my first wyandotte hen a while ago and I have really enjoyed her so far. She's so adventurous and interesting to watch, especially with her best friend Matilda the White Rock hen. :D Love this breed so far, my hen's a year old. So if you want a good layer, friendly chicken and active chicken get yourself a wyandotte hen/chick or maybe even a rooster. This is her (below):

Here's Matilda her best friend (below):
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Pros: pretty
Cons: noisy, not very friendly
I have two of these pullets, they aren't the friendliest birds. They aren't mean either, they just don't want to be touched. They are not the best 'pets.' They were about a month later starting to lay than the other chicken we have.
They bock, bock, b'gock a lot. Noisy, yes, but the kids think it is funny and the neighbors don't complain.

I wish they were more friendly and wanted to be held or health checked more. It is kind of a hassle to go out after dark to get one since I can't catch them when they're awake! One has already gone broody and she's not 10 months old. Kinda sucks, but what can you do? I probably will pass on the breed in the future, choosing instead more friendly breeds.
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i despartly want i SLW
Pros: Beautiful and big.
Cons: Skiddish, broody, loud
I had a lot higher hopes for my blue laced red... She was late to deliver eggs, has already gone broody twice in two months since starting to lay. She is obnoxiously loud all day, hates to be held, and is very skittish and can be very mean sometimes.
The only Pro is that she is nice and big and has very beautiful feathers. However, the beauty does not even come close to making up for attitude and the hassles with this one.

I have a Buff O and Golden Sex Link and they love to be held, will come up to you all day long, and are great layers.
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Pros: Great coloring
Cons: Tend to be shy w/ people, tend to be aggressive
We have 2ea Silver and Gold Laced Wyandots. These birds havent started laying yet, but they will soon.

In my flock, the GLW and SLW chickens are probably the most striking. Especially the GLW's, they have some almost irridescent feathers that change color in the sunlight.

These birds are shy and dont submit to handling well, and tend to be a aggressive with the other breeds, though they leave our BO's alone (the BO's are a little older and more established). One ea of the SLW and GLW pullets are the most aggressive birds in the flock. While in the brooder they nearly killed one of our Ameraucana's. I had to separate them from the flock for a month, while the other birds integrated into our older group of BO's. Then I introduced these aggressive birds, and now they are not nearly as interested in pecking the others.

I'm interested to see how the laying goes. And if the aggression continues or gets worse, then the bullies will be dinner...
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Pros: Beautiful, cold hearty, goos egg layers, tolerate handling, pretty calm, very quiet.
I love these birds. I first purchased a combo of Golden and Silver Laced Wyandotte hens in 2010. I had several friends and fellow chicken raisers comment on how beautiful they are. I am particularly fond of the golden laced. They are magnificent. This year I purchased 7 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes to add to the flock. They are more rare, but thier colors are amazing. I have 6 hens and one Rooster. They are good natured, and let the kids hold them. They come when you call them, and are curious with great personalities. After they are used to your routine, they stop being so skittish in the run. Several of them come right up to see what I am working on, and I can feed them out of my hand or on my lap or both. My birds have all been large, and good to great layers giving me between 4 to 6 eggs a week. A few of the hens will go broody, but I like to raise my own chicks this way. For me it is much less expensive and demanding of time and attention than incubators.

I also have half a dozen of the Bantam Partridge Wyandottes. These are for show only since they lay only once or twice a week. Absolutely breathtaking plumage though. They are more flighty than the standards and the Rooster is very protective of his ladies. I will probably replace them with the standard size just because I prefer more frequent egg layers. I enjoy watching all of them each day after work. They bring me joy and I find them delightful and overall a very useful breed.
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Pros: Beautiful, friendly, healthy, hearty chickens
Cons: Have seen no negative aspects to these chickens...I love them!
Wow, I am impressed at 4 months of age my Hen "Fly Girl" has laid an egg three out of 4 consecutive days, and she's out there clucking away as I type...I am so pleased with this breed! I have a flock of 10 hens and two roosters...they were incubator chicks and my two roosters have lived peacefully together no fighting, I guess cause they were raised together from birth...can't say enough about these chickens, glad I chose them...
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