Search results for query: weak yolks

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  1. MaryKK

    Looking for Alternative to Avia Charge 2000

    One of my girls is laying eggs in which the yolks are getting progressively easier to break when cracking the shell. Is there an alternative to Avia Charge 2000 out there? It is manufacturing is discontinued... of course. Thanks in advance!
  2. G

    Gosling help! Umbilical problem

    This gosling hatched assisted since he has internally piped for 18 hours and seemed to be getting weaker. He’s been like this for 24 hours. Wrapped in wet warm paper towel with antibiotic ointments over protruding part. I’m gently massaging the area as well. He seems to not be getting any...
  3. W

    Four day old chick, belly scab from unabsorbed yolk?

    This poor little one started out weak and we haven't been sure it would make it. We still aren't frankly, the way it's been acting I keep expecting it to be gone when I check in on them all but it's still kicking! It spends most of the time just laying there but it is eating and drinking a...
  4. I

    SOS new hatched chicken really weak and looks like yolk still not 100% absorbed

    Guys I need some help I have a chicken just hatched out but looks really weak. He hasn't fluffed up in a few hours and looks like yolk is not quite absorbed ( looks like there is a little bump on her bum ) She is not standing up just laying there and feather all stick to her and not fluff up...
  5. M

    Can anyone clue me in as to why most of the time when we're frying eggs, the whites are a bit watery, and the yolk memrbrane weak and it breaks?a

    Heya Backyard Chicken peeps! Can anyone clue me in as to why when we're frying our eggs, the whites are watery, and the yolk membrane so weak that they almost always break?
  6. Celticdragonfly

    Weak yolks?

    I've noticed that the eggs I get from my own chickens seem to have a much higher percentage of yolks breaking the moment I break the egg to cook with it, than I ever got with eggs from the store. And sometimes when they do break, it's not like a yolk with yellow leaking out, it's just SMOOSH...
  7. ChickenPerson999999

    Help I have a chick with a unabsorbed egg sac!

    Help I have a chick with a unabsorbed egg sac! It's a silkie and polish cross it has a sac on its stomach leaking egg yolk the chick is weak but sweet. Does anyone know anything to help please? What should I do?
  8. Geezer

    Weak yolks?

    I have what would be considered I'm sure, a minor yolk problem. Some of the eggs my hens lay seem to have weak yolks. For no matter how gently I crack them open they spread out as if they had been poked. Is this normal? Or perhaps caused by some deficiency in their diet?

    Weak yolks

    ...the search engine here sucks dingo's kidneys. I'm sure I'm not the only person here to ask why my egg yolks aren't very sturdy, but put "weak yolks" into the search, and you can find just about ANYTHING else, but. Anyways, what do you birdheads got on yolks that break too easy? Thanks, Joe
  10. chickenshaun17

    HELP!!!! little chick really weak won't open it eye hatched with yolk sack out can't walk

    Help please I just had my first successful hatch 8 hatched in total but 1 was hatched with it yolk sack it of its body we left it in their but it didn't absorb it and it just dried up it is really week and can't walk an won't open eyes and it body won't fluff up we are slowly cleaning it off but...
  11. M

    Broken egg ends & weak yolks

    Hi - our Barred Rock's eggs are almost always dented on the pointy end (membrane not broken). Her shells are thinner than our other hen's eggs and her yolks break very easily. She eats the same food and they have plenty of oyster shell available. Also it appears her eggs are coming out pointy...
  12. flowermama22

    weak yolk, blood in yolk and fluid in egg

    I am from Texas and recently we have had a vast amount of rain. Before this our lakes were 8 feet under norms, now they are filled or over flowing. During this time one of my egg customers called and said my eggs are not right, they look scrambled on the inside with blood and a watery...
  13. Rivka44

    Egg yolks good for weak ducklings?

    I have a really weak duckling that I think hatched a little too early and I read that feeding them hard boil egg (the yolk part) will provide them with much needed nutrition, is this true? If so is it ok to feed a duckling chicken yolk?
  14. LukeDuke22

    Weak yolks?

    Seems like my yolks in my eggs break really easy anymore, is there anything I can feed them to help this out?
  15. Black wallnut

    Weak yolk wall

    I keep getting eggs with weak yolk walls. Any idea on what I can give my hens to fix this? I currently feed Purina Layena crumbles and they have access to oyster shells. the yolk frequently break during a gentle flip for over easy in the fry pan.
  16. JaimeRoxMySox

    Is raw egg yolk safe for weak baby chick?

    I have a baby serama. She was the only one that hatched out of 9 eggs. She's all alone and I keep her tucked in my shirt against my skin 24/7 to keep her warm with company. When I can't have her on me, my Fiance has her on him. We're doing everything we can for her but she gets weaker each day...
  17. chick4smiles

    Weak chick, curled feet, exposed yolk. Advice?

    One of my incubator eggs just hatched (day21). A very weak chick emerged with some of the yolk not fully absorbed (about pea size). His feet are curled, he's still breathing and chirping, but he's not moving around much. Is there anything I can do or is this chick a lost cause? Please help...
  18. anniebethj

    weak yolk membrane

    When my girls first started laying, we had eggs with very strong membranes around the yolks. In fact, if I wanted scrambled eggs I had to grab the yolk and break it with my hands because they wouldn't smash with a fork. Well the last month or so they are very weak. I can't flip a fried egg...
  19. lovinlife

    weak yolks

    A man I work with told me his son's farm eggs have weak yolks that break when he cracks the egg. This frustrates him because he likes fried eggs. I have a few hens that lay eggs with yolks that break easily, others are more firm and stand up to the frying pan. Any ideas on why the yolks would...
  20. christa7032

    Weak yolks?

    I can't seem to crack any of my bantam cochins eggs without breaking the yolk. I don't know if its me or if the yolks are weaker than the other girl's eggs. Her eggs are pretty small and the shell and that inner membrane are pretty tough so I could just be too rough when I am breaking them but I...
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