Search results for query: Blackjack+57

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  1. S

    BlackJack 57 on damp OSB?

    Hi! We got our first 8 chicks a few weeks ago and I’m up against the clock to get the coop finished. The last important part right now is protecting the floor. I originally wanted to use linoleum, but all I could find at the big box stores and flooring stores was vinyl rolls that were squishy...
  2. B

    Cant Find Blackjack #57 Locally

    Morning all, So I'm almost done with the coop and the girls are more than ready to move outside. That being said, I have tried I can not tell you how many stores looking for BJ57 locally for the coop floor. Even Amazon can't get here in a reasonable amount of time and the cost through Amazon is...
  3. S

    New Coop and trying to find BlackJack 57 alternative locally

    Hey all, First time posting, been lurking for about 6-12 months while planning on building my coop. I'm a decent amount of the way done (pictures to follow) and had a couple quick questions that I hadn't been able to find in searching. 1. I haven't been able to source blackjack 57 locally and...
  4. J

    Blackjack 57 vs Rustoleum Fibered Black Coating

    Hi Everyone My local hardware store can't get BJ57, but can get Rust-Oleum for my coop floor. I am trying to compare every detail of the two but in all honesty, I really don't know what I should be looking for. The Rust-Oleum doesn't mention rubber but everything else seems to line up...
  5. C

    Alternative to BlackJack 57 in Ireland

    Hi I have read loads of great things about BlackJack 57 but cannot find it in Ireland and shipping from the US is expensive! Is this the same? Thanks so much
  6. G

    Blackjack #57 question

    Hi! I'm a newbie in the chicken world and this is my first BYC post. We have ten Golden Comet pullets that are around six weeks old. My husband built a coop and because of stuff I read on here I put two coats of Blackjack on the floor and a few inches up the sides to make it easier to clean. I...
  7. N

    Blackjack 57 Replacement ?

    Has anyone ever used a comparable product to BJ57? It's almost impossible to find where I am without paying a ton for shipping... The nearest ACE is 2 hours away
  8. P

    Blackjack 57 in cool temps...

    As luck would have it (or lack thereof) we have a front coming through tonight and tomorrow. I've taken Friday off to work on the coop and Fri / Sat / Sunday have highs of 59 / 63 / 65 and lows of 40 / 44 / 53. Unseasonably cool.. will actually have low of 35 tomorrow night. Considering this...
  9. Sarahs Hens

    Blackjack 57 consistency... did I just ruin this floor?

    So my coop modification and run build project has been a long, slow process. In my eagerness to make progress, I rushed to blackjack the floors before the sun set. I was sticky and covered in goop by the time I realized I should have looked up the proper method first... I mixed the gallon as...
  10. Cryss

    Blackjack 57

    I'm planning blackjack 57 on my coop floor. I'm sure others besides me will have questions about this stuff so I'm making the title simple and easy to find. I'll start it off with my question. The instructions include something about how it dries in a few hours but takes 10 to 14 days to cure...
  11. Homesteader82

    Blackjack 57 - Is it safe?

    I'm trying to come up with ways to protect the floor and read that someone used this stuff. Is it safe once cured? I am picturing the chickens sitting in the hot coop breathing in that stuff.
  12. TwoShepherds

    Blackjack 57 in high humidity?

    The coop is coming on Thursday. Hooray! It's all done except I have to put hardware cloth over the windows and put something down to protect the wood flooring. I had just about decided to use blackjack 57 on the floor instead of linoleum but am starting to get cold feet. Has anyone used...
  13. kathyinmo

    Need help for bumpy concrete floor. Blackjack 57?

    We have a new concrete floor that was finished horribly. It is lumpy and bumpy and even has some sharp points. It would be terrible to try to clean out as a coop floor . What can I do to make it smoother or easier to clean out? Would Blackjack 57 work?
  14. KettermanHillCoop

    Blackjack 57 Question

    Question to those who have used Blackjack 57.... Can a surface covered with Blackjack 57 be painted once dried?
  15. Peeperscreepers

    How long does it take blackjack 57 to dry?

    Hello, I used blackjack 57 on my wooden coop floor and am wondering how long it takes to dry? It's still sticky after 2 days? I'm getting worried as the wood was expensive and I cannot afford to replace it. Plus my chicks need to go outside but I cannot put them in the coop with the blackjack...
  16. CanadaEh

    Alternatives for Blackjack #57 for coop floor coating (for deep litter)?

    While Blackjack #57 ("premium rubberized coating for waterproofing roofs & foundations") is being tried and true on this forum, I absolutely unable to get it in my province (we don't even have Lowes here and they won't ship). Would Black Knight "18.9L All Season Rubberized Roof Repair" from HD...
  17. B

    Blackjack 57 Consider Silicone Based?

    The manufacturer does not recommend for use around livestock due to the petroleum chemical makeup. However they do offer a silicone based product. At Lowes it is called Blackjack Silicone Waterproofing Coating. At Home Depot or Amazon it is called Eterna-kote. There is your answer, short and sweet.
  18. AuntJamie

    Blackjack #57 deep litter compost safe for garden?

    Basically, that's my question. It's time to get something on the floor to protect the wood from the deep litter composting. I'd love the thorough, long lasting seal Blackjack provides but would the compost be safe for the vegetable garden? If I can't get a definitive answer on this then vinyl it...
  19. jenn-

    Mixing Blackjack #57

    I've read in numerous threads that it can be a pain to mix. We have a paint mixer for the drill, but I'd be more comfortable with my husband using it. Is it easy to tell when it is properly mixed? Once it is mixed with the drill, will it separate pretty quickly or should I be able to use it a...
  20. kirghizstan

    Best BlackJack 57 applicator

    What did you find to be the best applicator for applying BlackJack 57 to the coop floor and walls?
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