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  1. Hattie the Hen

    What are you baking now?

    Quote: I think I have found a recipe for you.......I haven't tried it yet but it certainly sounds good. I hope it enables you to recreate your childhood memories! Good luck! Hattie
  2. Hattie the Hen

    Emergency! Infestation, mites everywhere, including our house!!

    I thought these photos might help as they show bed-bugs at all ages & sizes. I unfortunately came across them often when I worked in the US & had to stay in hotels booked by the companies I worked for......lots of itchy nights &...
  3. Hattie the Hen

    Broody hen abandoned eggs during development, what to do?? Help!

    I'm afraid the only solution to these problems is to isolate each hen out of sight, & hearing if possible, of any other chicken. Keep them shut in except for the time you let them out for food,exercise etc. Do not let them out into an area with other chickens. That way they won't get distracted...
  4. Hattie the Hen

    help my broody hen lost alot of weight and acts sick, she passed away

    I am so sorry for your loss. I suspect she hasn't been eating enough while she was sitting the eggs. Did you make sure she got off the eggs every day? I have had a hen who would not get off & tried to attack me when I lifted her off. You have to be very firm about it & they soon get used to...
  5. Hattie the Hen

    children playhouse conversion!

    Well done easton coop, that's a great job. I'm in the UK too, but I prefer BYC to the chicken sites over here.......!! I hope you get your hens very soon but they are more expensive here than in the US (especially if you like the rarer breeds). I love Dorkings & they are not too easy to...
  6. Hattie the Hen


    Yes we do have some amazing fabric stores in London but the prices are incredibly expensive. I live out in the country & now I can't drive anymore getting a quantity of fabric home is a real chore. Luckily I still have a large quantity of stuff at home to use up -- enough to see me out I should...
  7. Hattie the Hen


    CoyoteMagic wrote: Been running all over the world today picking up some stuff for a project I'm working on. (making quilts/bedrolls for the "Meet Me Halfway" charity) but I did get to stop at Maryjo's!!! If you have never been and you are gonna be passing near Charlotte, North Carolina, this...
  8. Hattie the Hen

    What are you baking now?

    This recipe makes great bread. I love it. Hattie
  9. Hattie the Hen

    dead chickens walking **UPDATE (graphic)**

    Quote: Well, now I have finally done it too & the actual killing was not nearly as bad as I had thought it would be. I was lucky to have someone very experienced there with me. I needed to know that he could take over if I turned 'wimpy' or didn't do it right or fast enough, but I...
  10. Hattie the Hen


    Here are some other amazing male quilters; I am amazed & delighted at the quality & diversity of the works produced. Hattie
  11. Hattie the Hen


    While doing some research on something else my laptop suddenly threw up this interesting site showing quilting designed & made by a man. I think they are quite beautiful. I hope you do too. I think the subject matter is so interesting as well. The first site is the one I found first & then I...
  12. Hattie the Hen

    Anyone eat japanese food?

    This is one of the most useful sites for Japanese food as it has information on every type of dish plus a lot of explanations on how it is served etc. You can also subscribe to it so new recipes turn up by email. The recipes are easy to follow & it even has a forum if you need help over some...
  13. Hattie the Hen


    Hi there, I'm back again with more chicken-related knitting patterns: **** I think this is enchanting !! Hattie
  14. Hattie the Hen


    ... *{ {*****these 2 sites seem to be for the same pattern...
  15. Hattie the Hen


    Quote: Strangely enough, not long after reading this I came across a website for men who knit. I thought you might like to leave it up on your computer for DBF to 'find'. The guys seem to have blogs & a forum as well, maybe they exchange patterns & we do...
  16. Hattie the Hen

    New member // Blacksmith

    from the UK Hattie
  17. Hattie the Hen

    Hello from Wiltshire, UK.

    Hi there & I'm from the UK (near Oxford) as well. I feel as if I know you as I have seen so much of you over the years on TV. With your experience I'm sure your chickens must have a very smart coop & run. I'm sure you will enjoy being part of BYC; it's a great place for advice on Poultry...
  18. Hattie the Hen

    Hello from Bulgaria

    I'm in the UK, near Oxford. It will be fascinating to hear about your experiences out there in Bulgaria! Where abouts out there are you? I worked out there for 2 months in 1968 --a very different world in those days.......!! Hattie
  19. Hattie the Hen

    dead chickens walking **UPDATE (graphic)**

    Congratulations!! My boys are for it by the end of the month.......!! I have been following this thread since you started it! Hattie
  20. Hattie the Hen


    Quote: I would love to see it & do you have more information on candlewicking because I dony know anything about it! That's what I love about these forums ( BYC, TEG, & SS); you can learn something every day from lovely people! Hattie
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