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  1. Ducksandchickens

    I’m back but for a sad circumstance

    ...doghouse... instead they lay outside st the edge of the pen which is why pecky was probably killed. But I still think this was mostly my fault. *WARNING. NO BLOOD BUT LOTS OF FEATHERS OBVIOUSLY A MURDER SCENE* After moving the pen I took pictures. I know this won’t help I thought I’d...
  2. Ducksandchickens

    Turtles eating in winter

    ive had my red eared slider for about 4 years now and lately she hasn’t been eating anything. Actually kind of all winter she hasn’t been and she’s been a bit sluggish. I’ve never seen her like this before so I’m getting worried. Is it because it’s winter and turtles are supposed to Be...
  3. Ducksandchickens

    Keeping the flock in for the week!

    It’s supposed to be record breaking cold tomorrow and Thursday here in Ohio. I’m saying high of -6 (Fahrenheit) with windchill as low as -50. Yay! (That was sarcasm btw lol) Yesterday evening we brought the chickens and ducks in the garage to be safe. It’s about 30 degrees warmer in the garage...
  4. Ducksandchickens

    First egg of 2019!

    I’m pretty sure it was my barred rock, Sherman who laid it. It’s strangely shaped but hey, an egg is a egg!:woot
  5. Ducksandchickens

    Show off your duck coops/run!

    just wanted to see others for future if I expand my flock of duckies!
  6. Ducksandchickens

    What did you get for Christmas?

    :frow How was your holidays? I know it’s a week late but I have been very busy and haven’t been on byc for a while! So what was some of your favorite things you got for Christmas? Did your flock get anything?
  7. Ducksandchickens

    Show off your unique poultry!

    Do you have a chicken with a disability or missing a body part? Or even a bird that is a bit loopy in the noggin? Show em off here with pictures and stories!
  8. Ducksandchickens

    Trying to litter box train a 7 month old outdoor cat

    My cat, Neymar, was found in June as a very small kitten in the barn. We estimated she’s about 7-8 months old. Of course we sneak her in sometimes but she’s always been a outdoor cat. Two nights ago something attacked Neymar and we took her to the vet. The vet said it was mostly likely a male...
  9. Ducksandchickens

    Vent area poopy

    I let my very small flock of 2 at around 1 today. My usually aggressive RIR, penny,wasn’t moving after she went over to the hose. My other hen, Sherman was acting normal. I went over to penny and she didn’t chase or try to attack me which was very unusual bc she is quite a mean hen. I knew...
  10. Ducksandchickens

    Barred rock with lighter comb

    My barred rock hen, Sherman has a smaller and lighter comb. It could be because if the cold as here in Ohio it’s Been in the 30’s all week but my RIR has a big red comb still. Sherman is molting but coming near the end of her molt. They’ve stopped laying for the winter Here are some pics that I...
  11. Ducksandchickens

    How much should ducks eat?

    Winter is coming and one of my drakes is looking peaky. They get fresh grass everyday and I feed them everyday but just wondering how much they should be fed? And how many times a day? I’ll post pics tomorrow of the Cup I use. Tia
  12. Ducksandchickens

    What do you do with your eggs when you collect them?

    People do many things with their eggs! What about you? Please vote and if you chose other then please tell us what you do! :)
  13. Ducksandchickens

    My flock and other animals!

    So I haven’t really introduced my very small flock and other pets so here goes! Also this is in memory of my beloved cat, Mbappe. RIP Mbappe! This is my RIR, Penny. One word sums her up, Devil. She’s a little jerk!!! We handled her like you are supposed to and she’s still very mean...
  14. Ducksandchickens

    Average weight of Khaki Campbell drakes?

    Winter is coming!! Urghh! I’ve lost 2 ducks to cold last winter(not really my fault seeing as they literally slept in the cold when we have a large dog house for them!) my question is what is the average weight of khaki Campbell drakes? I want to make sure my boys are healthy. My one duckie is...
  15. Ducksandchickens

    Do your chickens lay in the winter?

    For the past 4 years my two hens have stopped laying around winter time. We are fine with it because we have a lot of eggs from the fall and summer. I know some people with bigger flocks but they usually get eggs everyday. So I’m wondering if your hens lay in winter?
  16. Ducksandchickens

    Chicken not laying in box

    I have two hens that are about 4 years old. They always have laid in the nesting boxes. I have two nesting boxes btw. When they were about a year old we got them a bigger coop (the one we have now) and they still laid in the boxes. Well now one of my hens is laying in the corner of the coop. I...
  17. Ducksandchickens

    Good vet schools?

    My dream is to become a livestock veterinarian and I am wondering if anyone knows of any good vet schools in or around ohio? College is a ways off but never to early to look! :) thanks!
  18. Ducksandchickens

    Where to get schleich animals

    I don’t have many but I collect schleich animals and used to get most of them at toys r us and now that they are out of business it is harder to find them. Tractor supply has some but not a lot of variety and it’s always the same animals so unless they get to new animals I don’t get them there...
  19. Ducksandchickens

    How to tell cat gender

    We have one cat that we believe is a female but about a week ago another cat came around. We can pet the cat but we can’t pick it up bc it scratches and bites if we do. I’m wondering if u can tell the gender of a cat by looking under the tail? When he/she raises its tail I am wondering if I can...
  20. Ducksandchickens

    What age can kittens be spayed?

    Ok so on to the reason I made this thread. On June 5, we found this kitten in our garage and rescued her bc she was starving and crying loudly. Here she is when we found her I am wondering at what age can kittens be spayed. We believe she is a female. Here is some pics of her now, The...
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