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  1. Alagirl

    Houseplant, succulent and bonsai thread!

    yeah, most houseplants die of over-watering. And keep in mind you have no drainage in your bowl, plus the cupped shape conserves moisture. less is more with most houseplants, especially succulents.
  2. Alagirl

    Houseplant, succulent and bonsai thread!

    I would think it's a Jade tree of some sort. My 2 cents worth: since they are in a glass bowl you don't want them in direct sunlight. However, if you have them inside they should be fine, because normal window glass already filters out a lot of light, and the amount reduces drastically with...
  3. Alagirl

    How much land is needed to feed two adults for the year?

    Mulch is your friend. Anything organic. except Bermuda grass..... Your Library might have a copy of the book in stock! Cardboard works well, too. Consider building up. My soil is crap so that is the plan once I get my head on upright again.
  4. Alagirl

    How much land is needed to feed two adults for the year?

    depending on what you want to plant. that 1/4 acre should work fine if you keep on top of crop rotation and improving the soil. Old John Seymore had 2 models in his books: 1 and 5 acres. He included livestock if only a horse or two to pull the plow. Manure is the black gold of self-sufficiency...
  5. Alagirl

    How do you like your eggs?

    soft boiled, sunny side up. or scrambled. or hardboiled. Which is my usual default because my egg cooker sucks. If I am not right next to it when it's done I will get hardboiled without fail.
  6. Alagirl

    Can you keep a rabbit indoors?

    a lot of people keep their rabbits indoors. As stated above, the cages are usually crap, and keeping it in a small cage all the time is not fair to the little beast. But you do have to rabbit proof where you let them run. They chew stuff. Notably cables and electric cords.
  7. Alagirl

    changed colors?

    I think it might fit here best. out of my little flock I have 2 Barred Rocks. they are coming 3, 2nd year laying. In winter they went through a hard molt. Now one of them looks more like a calico than the previous black and white pattern. the discoloration is as far as I can tell symetrical...
  8. Alagirl

    Getting Chickens Soon

    you are in a hot climate, so you need far less coop than further up north, that should help you out some!
  9. Alagirl

    Getting Chickens Soon

    Sounds like a great plan. Chicks will be available soon, unless you want to start off with a couple of adult birds so you don't have to wait 4 months for eggs. Leave yourself some room in the coop to add more chickens next year so you don't have a whole flock of the same age. My adult son...
  10. Alagirl

    What's the temperature where you are???

    last week it was 14 degrees, now it's 68....
  11. Alagirl

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    the latest crazy nap spot
  12. Alagirl

    When to offer treats?

    I offered treats once they were all gritted up and in their run. A small hand full of worms in the evening so they know I bring goodies (and it helps rounding them up should they be out) And some economy birdseed in the morning to entertain them, as the run is bare dirt since week 2 of their...
  13. Alagirl

    Need advice please new to owning chickens

    I brought my 5 chickens through the Christmas Freeze of '22 without a coup. They had a corner covered in cardboard around their roost. Now, I do not live where the temps get that low for a long period of time. I picked up the eggs a little more often (I had one that froze and the shell...
  14. Alagirl

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    can't steal what is yours.
  15. Alagirl

    My 8 weeks old chickens don't eat their feed anymore

    grit is nothing but small stones. you can get that from the outside. My chickens are outside all the time, I have not given them any grit in months, as they can get it free now.
  16. Alagirl

    Low-High Thermometers

    It measures both the highest and the lowest temperature of the day. I am sure there are electronic means these days, but sometimes I prefer the old-fashioned means.
  17. Alagirl

    Low-High Thermometers

    For those of you who managed to get one, when do you read it? My uncle had one, almost 40 years ago, I am sure I drove him mad, as I found them highly entertaining to reset, but I had no clue how they worked or what they could possibly be for. (yes, he was a Farmer) Now I know and covet one.
  18. Alagirl

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    I found my cat last night, sleeping in my purse.
  19. Alagirl

    Can you blowtorch weeds?

    the theory behind the blow torch is not to actually burn the weed, but to heat it enough to kill it. It should be very effective but if they burn you are doing it wrong. You might need a couple of passes to get the feeling for it. (It's been advocated as a pesticide free way to kill weeds for...
  20. Alagirl

    What monster bird lays those eggs?!

    Seems the solution to the riddle was easy: the Church lady gets the eggs from somebody having an egg business, and the monster eggs are the ones they can't sell. So the BYC experts had it right. :thumbsup
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