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  1. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    These are my big boys! Don is the Mallard, Donald is the Pekin (His girlfriend is Daisey, also a Pekin) and Daffy is the black Runner!
  2. M

    The Duck Thread

    These are my babies! There are 2 chocolate runners, 1 pekin and the other 3 are runners also! I had some rivalry with them and the guineas at first, but they are all getting along now!
  3. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    Just a little update on the ducklings! They aren't so little anymore!
  4. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    These are the babies that i bought! I am almost certain that most if not all are Runners! Or a mix of them. They are so cute! Had to share with everyone since the incubator eggs i don't think are any good... They have quite the personalities!
  5. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    I candles them the other day and ended up pulling 9 eggs with the black spots. I still have about 7 or 8 in there that look promising! The ones I pulled, I cracked a few and they looked like blood clots on the side of the shell. The ones that Daisey was laying on, I think out of the 7 there were...
  6. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    Okay so the new set of eggs has been in the bator for 4 days now. I candled a few and this it what i saw in one... not sure if its bad or if maybe im looking at twins. Pretty new at candling.
  7. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    Ok heres the update.... My incubator came in yesterday, i went and got Daisy's eggs and the were super super cold. I candled candled anyways and there was no movement and a bad odor. I think that she may have abandoned the nest when whatever critter got in there.. so sad. But as for the new...
  8. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    I have no clue what the brand is. But as for the babies, i believe there is at least 1 runner and 1 pekin. There are 6 babies all together. One looks like a cow lol. And 2 are like an olive green color with chocolate legs! I cant wait to see what they look like grown!
  9. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    This one will be new to me. Last one i used was a little giant but it wore out to quick being Styrofoam. I already have the brooder set up. I just bought some ducklings today! Should i put all the good ones in or leave some with her and chance it. I also have 2 more Pekins, 1 male 1 female, an...
  10. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    I actually just ordered one and it should be here tomorrow! Do you think i should put them in when i get it set up?
  11. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    The temperature has been warm here. The eggs were a little cool when i picked them up but not cold. I will put some food and water a little closer to her to make it easier
  12. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    Ok so i candled about 4 that i knew were good. All of those had a baby in it. I couldnt tell if there was movement cuz they were big but i did see veins or the vessles which im hoping is a good thing. She is still laying on them but leaving the nest alot more than before
  13. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    So i think we had an opossum weasle its way into the duck pen. I have this past week found 2 eggs, both with no yolk and just a hole in them. Im not sure if the good eggs are okay or not but momma Daisy is still diligently laying on them still. Sould i leave them be? I thought we would have had...
  14. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    She actually puffed herself up while i was taking this picture lol!
  15. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    So this is momma Daisey! Shes being a good momma. No babies yet, but i did candled a few last night and i could see them moving and little duckie feet!! From pics that i have seen they look around 24ish days so anytime now!! She has been spending a little more time outside of her nest. I read...
  16. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    We just got 2 californians she is due anytime now. Today is day 30! They are so sweet!
  17. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    I will and thank you for all the help! !
  18. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    I definitely will post some pics!! I may have to buy a new sd card though haha! I raised these ducks since they were tiny babies so i am so excited for the new ones to arrive!! Im thinking they are due this week which is awesome becaue my rabbit is due anytime now!! Its like having kids all over...
  19. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    Thank you!! Yes i have candled before, but she is such a good mother! The only time she leaves her nest is to eat or drink so she maybe leaves only a couple of times a day. Im not too worried about how the eggs are. They are all nice and neat, i sort of figured she was giving them room to hatch...
  20. M

    Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

    Daisey, my Peking female, has laid about 21 eggs that are visible. I know they are due to hatch soo but dont know the exact day. Through the whole process of laying on her eggs they have been in hole she dig and in the hay nest all nice and neat. This morning i took a peak at the nest and they...
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