Will momma duck move her eggs around before they hatch?

OhMyGersh!!! They're adorable!! What a great looking group!!!
These are the babies that i bought! I am almost certain that most if not all are Runners! Or a mix of them. They are so cute! Had to share with everyone since the incubator eggs i don't think are any good... They have quite the personalities!



Look look look at the cluster of really cute young and innocent fuzzy duck toddlers.

These are my big boys! Don is the Mallard, Donald is the Pekin (His girlfriend is Daisey, also a Pekin) and Daffy is the black Runner!

These are my big boys! Don is the Mallard, Donald is the Pekin (His girlfriend is Daisey, also a Pekin) and Daffy is the black Runner!
I am in love with them. They are super chunk and cute of round. Then, yes, the webs. Aren't webs just a great accessory that tie the whole package of chubby duck sparkplug chunk all together? Why?

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