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  1. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    The backyard hive is dead. Looks like the bees starved. I feel so bad. It's a learning experience.
  2. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    I haven't been around much this winter so I hope everyone is doing well. This was our first winter with bees. We started the winter with three hives. Two small ones and and a large hive. We had intended to feed the smaller hives but never got to them before the cold hit due to health issues. We...
  3. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    We're going to try a last ditch effort to save the hive. We pulled every frame that had signs of beetles and/or their spawn and moved the bees to a new location. We're going to requeen the hive this afternoon and feed, feed, feed. I know that the odds are against us but you just never know. We...
  4. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Well shoot! The original hive at the farm is doing awesome! We didn't get to check things over as much as we wanted as the smoker was not cooperating. We have got to get that darn thing figured out! Jacob was able to pull off the top two supers. Not much going on in the top one but the second...
  5. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    ...I always thought our backyard hive would be the strongest. Right now it looks like the farm hive is the one winning out. We moved some brood/honey to a second hive about a month ago to start a second hive there and all seems well so far. Of course we'll know more for sure tomorrow *crosses...
  6. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Ugghh! We've got beetles in the hive -and what I'm assuming is their evil spawn. HELP!! No sign of a queen - no brood or anything. There are still are a lot of workers and Jacob spotted a bunch of drones. Can we save the hive? Sure would appreciate any suggestions. We are first year keepers so...
  7. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Not much happening here. We've got to check the farm hives soon. We finally had the time to check the backyard hive. Jacob saw live larva, which is good. I'm concerned because there was a white "worm" crawling on the opposite side of the frame. Jacob thought it was a maggot but it looked longer...
  8. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Quote: One of the neatest things about having children, is YOU become interested in what THEY are interested in! That opens up a whole new world you never dreamed existed. It's true. I never would've become involved with 4H and poultry and duck and lambs and goats. I would've missed out on...
  9. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    I've been mildly curious about honey bees for a while now. Jacob was the only one of my five kids that expressed an interest. I explained to him that he would be doing all of the work (I have RA and can't lift much - definitely not a frame of honey!). We attended a local bee club meeting and...
  10. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    We're not planning on harvesting any honey this year - going to let the girls keep it all. Do we need to do anything with the frames that are full?
  11. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Out checking the farm hive today. We split the hive not too long ago. Just wanted to see how things are going. Jacob only pulled one frame of brood out . Didn't see eggs or larva but there is sealed brood and a couple of supercedure cells. The girls are busy, busy, busy
  12. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Yeah. He did it all himself. I had just got home and was going to grab him so we could check the hive but he was already out there. I can't believe he did the video. I'm surprised he didn't get stung.
  13. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Sorry, Jacob's a keeper *lol*. I did mention you're request and he said he might consider renting himself out. I expect we'll probably have another video today as we will be checking the farm hive and possibly splitting it.
  14. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Jacob went out and checked the hive without me *boohoo*. He shot this video - check it out. It's kind of hard to see things closely but what do ya'll think? Here's a picture I took today. Gotta love the new camera And another. I could never get a shot like this to focus on my old camera.
  15. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    We found two supercedure cells today. We didn't check all of the frames in the bottom hive body so I don't know if there are more. Should we check things again in a few days? We were getting eaten by mosquitos so we didn't examine as thoroughly as I would've liked. Jacob quickly looked over...
  16. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Great pics! How do you get those bee shots so clear? When I try to get closeups they are usually blurry.
  17. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    We just checked the hive out back. There are concerns that they have lost their queen and it's been a few days since we were out there so I just wanted to look and see what kind of activity was going on outside the hive. There were only a few bees at the entrance and not many flying around. I...
  18. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    We've got medium frames in medium bodies. That comb is on one of the frames in the bottom body. Hmmmm..... Never dawned on mr before but there shouldn't be enough room for the bees to make that much comb. I guess we should open the hive up and pull out a few more frames to see how it's possible...
  19. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    It's ok to leave it like that? Actually I guess so because if we remove it they'll just make more. I picked up a couple of beekeping books tonight to supplement what I already have. I wish we had started this sooner so we could take a beekeeping class.
  20. cheraboo

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    What's up with these crazy bees? These pics are from two different hives. Why are the bees building comb on the bottom of the frame like that?
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