A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.


I can't wait until its my turn!! We always did what you did, Bib...we strained ours through one of those conical strainers one uses in canning that stands on three legs(smaller holes than your typical strainer). We just set down in a roaster pan and let gravity take hold, occasionally using the wooden pestle to mash the comb and release the honey.

Now you can save your wax and make some balms and salves!
I've been considering beekeeping, but for now I'm only thinking of building a Mason Bee Nest. I know you guys mostly are in it for the honey, but I want the garden pollinated :) Any other Mason nesters around? I apologize if you've already mentioned, I may have missed a few pages on this thread.
My bees seem busy coming and going out of the hive but they seem to be heading away from my place and towards the next field of hay and the woodline. I have a whole yard of white dutch clover that I don't see many bees on. What in the world could be better than clover and could be found in a hay field and the woods? I don't see anything blooming right now except what is in my yard.
I can never figure out where the bees go. We have a pond, and lots of clover and I almost never see honey bees on either, and we have 4 hives. They fly over the trees and off to some unknown wonderful source of their own. Only they know where they go! Isn't it wonderful, all part of the mystery. Our beekeepers association this week talked about the Australian natives who tie spider webs to the bees so they can find out where they are going. Sorry, not gonna try that.....they do it with sting-less bees I think he said.
Bees are a mystery, aren't they?
They have fresh water in a bird bath I bought just for that purpose and the closest fresh running water source is the stream across the road from me...unless they have found a spring up on the mountain...entirely possible..this area is riddled with the best springs ever.

Well, for now they are humming quiet and working steady, so I guess everything is peachy.
What's up with these crazy bees?

These pics are from two different hives. Why are the bees building comb on the bottom of the frame like that?
Because they can!

Bees will fill every little space they have with burr comb. They are very efficient workers and let no space go to waste.

Unfortunately they don't read the same books as we do and they do whatever they feel like doing, despite what the books tell us they should do.

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