A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

Your company's insurance agent may not allow the bees on company property. This happened with a friend of mine, had 24 hrs to remove hives once insurance agent discovered bees on property.



Before I started my bees, I called my homeowners insurance to make sure there were no exclusions. I also keep an epi-pen handy, which most doctors will prescribe if you ask.
I think keeping an epi pen available is a very important and responsible thing to do. Not only in case you have a reaction, but there are so many people that are allergic to bees that if one gets stung when they are visiting you, you really should be prepared to help out in that way........as a responsible bee keeper I mean.
Thanks for all the input. Ive pretty much nixed the idea of keeping bees on the office property. I'm still interested in the bees coming to live here though. I've had a pony ride business here and keep farm animals and have 4-H meetings with a ton of kids here. I have pretty comprehensive liability coverage - I had to due to the pony ride thing - and having visitors/kids around all the time.
jojo@rolling acres farm :

Thanks for all the input. Ive pretty much nixed the idea of keeping bees on the office property. I'm still interested in the bees coming to live here though. I've had a pony ride business here and keep farm animals and have 4-H meetings with a ton of kids here. I have pretty comprehensive liability coverage - I had to due to the pony ride thing - and having visitors/kids around all the time.

Hey, before you 86 the idea of keeping bees on company property, ask the powers that be if they wouldn't be opposed to it. Get the agreement in writing if possible.

If everything is legit with everyone involved it could turn out to be a most wonderful venture.

I only mentioned what happened to a friend of mind as an example of what could happen. Your experience may be different.

I wish you the very best and here's to hoping you can keep them on that nice piece of company land.

Jacob went out and checked the hive without me *boohoo*. He shot this video - check it out. It's kind of hard to see things closely but what do ya'll think?

Here's a picture I took today. Gotta love the new camera

And another. I could never get a shot like this to focus on my old camera.

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that is the CUTEST thing i have EVER seen! AHHHH! child voice saying "propolis"! and the "trusty hive tool"! seriously, omg.

um, please put Jacob on a plane/train/bus/automobile addressed to "That crazy lady over on the mountain, E Tennessee."
Sorry, Jacob's a keeper *lol*. I did mention you're request and he said he might consider renting himself out. I expect we'll probably have another video today as we will be checking the farm hive and possibly splitting it.
I liked the video, but I have to ask, is he holding the camera while he works? It was kinda all over the place! You've got a great little beek there, I hope he sticks with it, we need more young beekeepers!
Yeah. He did it all himself. I had just got home and was going to grab him so we could check the hive but he was already out there. I can't believe he did the video. I'm surprised he didn't get stung.
Hi everyone, I've been lurking on this thread for a long time now. I would love to explore beekeeping by trying just one hive and seeing how it goes. We live on 2 acres outside the city limits, surrounded by woods and an orange grove. I sure would love some orange blossom honey! Everywhere I read, there is an assumption of some kind of prior knowledge - but I have none. My initial questions are so basic you guys will laugh at me, but here goes... First, what are the basic steps of initial beekeeping, that is - would #1 be "build a hive," #2 "buy a queen," #3 "put the queen in the hive," etc. Second, do you think the guy who owns the orange grove would object to my few bees hanging around his grove, or would he like that and not consider it infringement? Of course the hive would be on my property. I can't find any information on a beekeeper's association around here, although I do see hives sometimes around the region, mostly in the orange groves. Any encouragement/basic information you guys could give me would be so appreciated!

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