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  1. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    I was wondering if anyone would catch that. I have some friends who joke about it all the time.
  2. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    I've heard it called the rib eye in the sky. One of these days I'll hunt one. And I can relate with the large family, I'm #7 of 9. From what you've been saying about this brother, I don't think he qualifies...and not because of his hair or eye color. Sweet! I'm going to be chasing some wild...
  3. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    Winchester 1300 for me. Got it for Christmas at 14 or 15. Love it.
  4. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    I understand that.
  5. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    Winchester pump shotgun. It was a decent sized one, but not huge. This is only my second year turkey hunting, so I can't complain. Last fall I shot a jake, and this one was at least a mature tom. So you are Tom Hanks in this scene and just shocked that with your brothers pain, right? So what...
  6. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    I'm starting to get quite disturbed about your intimate knowledge of your brothers activities... Thanks. And I still got to work by 10 this morning. I'd rather have stayed out there, but oh well.
  7. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    This morning, I got a tom. As far as predators, see the above 3 S's.
  8. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    Yes sir. That made it an even better morning. :) And we live by the rule of the 3 S's when it comes to hay bales. Shoot, Shovel, Shut-up
  9. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    I'll pass. I greatly enjoyed the cool crisp autumn air this morning.
  10. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    Try the 90 degrees that is Utah's archery season. It cooks me! This morning is 32 degrees and cloudy. Looks like a great morning to sneak in some fall turkey hunting before work, if my buddy drives fast and gets here
  11. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    I think the tumbling might be rough on the air cells. ;)
  12. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    That sounds awesome. Today was French food day in my house. Coq au vin with a formerly feisty rooster and home made bread.
  13. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    Walnut speaks truth!
  14. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

  15. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    I guess p***ed is a bad word? Wow. Surprising.
  16. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    ...Catching them I found a nest of about 12 eggs. I was really tempted to grab them and bust them right near the front porch so any one who comes to look at the house to potentially buy it was overpowered by rotten egg. That's my vindictive side ****** off that anyone could treat an animal this way.
  17. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    O They are about 2 years old from what I understand. They are quarantined, and I honestly considered just putting them down, but decided against it so far. Thanks everyone for their advice. That was along the lines of what I was thinking. Right now they are in a very small pen, because...
  18. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    Does anyone have any experience rescuing chickens? Especially mostly starved ones? I just went and caught those chickens my neighbors just left in their back yard when they left. They clearly haven't been fed well for sometime. I gave them a full feeder of the flock raiser pellets, as well as a...
  19. frmboyinthecity

    Chickens In Ya Window

    Such a hectic day, but I caught up. My neighbor moved 3 weeks ago, and I just found out they left their chickens behind without anyone to take care of them, just loose in their backyard. So I took them some grain tonight and I'll be going to pick them up tomorrow, once I've figured out a...
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