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  1. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    There's actually only one section on this forum regarding meat birds. Most of the forums are about chickens kept for eggs (or sometimes as pets). Even chicken owners who eat meat do not necessarily eat their own chickens.
  2. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Quote: I double checked and pareve foods can contain eggs and fish. Just for those who are avoiding those. Kosher marshmallows for example contain fish gelatin (yum) . On "Fish is pareve. This means that as far as the kosher laws of meat and milk are concerned, it is a neutral...
  3. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Yep, ya gotta watch for ANYTHING that says 'with Omega 3!!' as more often than not, that means fish products. I actually bought a 'crystal lite' type product once and when reading the ingredients saw that it had fish in it (!!). No, not all of them do - but this was 'with added omega 3!' - doh...
  4. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    It's a kind of algae/seaweed. Someone else probably has a better description. I got a big jug of it off amazon some time ago and occasionally whip up some 'jello'. You have to flavor it yourself, but it's actually pretty decent.
  5. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Gelatin doesn't contain animal parts, it IS animal parts :P. "Gelatin (or gelatine) is a translucent, colorless, brittle (when dry), flavorless solid substance, derived from the collagen mainly inside pig skin (hide) and cattle bones. " So yes, I avoid it where possible (prescription meds not...
  6. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    ...else I make with almond milk works fine. The only edible vegan cheese I have tried is Daiya - it's not exactly right, but it's the closest I have tried. Some of the vegan cheeses are awful! You can also use nutritional yeast (which I *love*) as a powdered cheese substitute (think parmesan).
  7. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Hahahahaha.. :P Well, if you are talking about umm.. digestive problems.. I haven't seen that and I eat them every day.. but it's a definite YMMV. :)
  8. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    It's weird how I used to hate them and now I like them. I think it's because I mix them with other things to 'bulk' up. But they are definitely an acquired taste. If you put nutritional yeast on them they gum up a bit and taste better (to me).
  9. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Welcome! I know we have a few pescatarian types here - every little bit counts IMO. As for me, I got started in chickens because of being vegetarian - I didn't want to buy store battery eggs anymore. So yes, I eat the eggs from my chickens (but not the chickens themselves LOL). My chickens are...
  10. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    I eat miracle noodles all the time. Just a warning, I used to HATE them but for some reason I like them now. They are definitely a love it or despise it item. I think it's the nutritional yeast I put on them, which makes them just gummy enough to taste good. :P Plus, some people stir fry them to...
  11. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Oh, and yes, it can be pricey. I think around $5 a bag. So freeze it. And don't try it without melting it first. :P
  12. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    I agree - I do eat regular cheese now and then, and Daiya isn't it, however when melted it's pretty darn close. And yes, it's pretty much (IMO) the only sub that's edible, with the exception of the cashew cheese spread I made (which was great, but was more for crackers and the like). Nutritional...
  13. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    I bought 25 pounds of organic soy beans and a soy milk maker, which I don't use as much as I should, but it's easy to do. It will also make nut milks and oat milk. I made a great mix of soy and oat - added just a tad of salt and stevia and it was YUMMY. I am trying out a 'yonanas' maker today...
  14. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    It's a fake shredded 'cheese' but the only one I've found that's edible. It even melts up like real cheese. It's a bit salty, but other than that it's great. Only cooked tho, raw it's kinda like shredded salty velveeta. LOL. No soy, no weird ingredients. Knowing you you'll say it tastes like...
  15. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Well, I drink nothing but almond milk and occasionally coconut, but I know what you think about that. :P IMO, humans don't NEED milk, just look all the vegans out there. (note, I am not vegan and do occasionally have dairy). Btw, I have daiya cheese here and it is sooooo good melted. Kinda...
  16. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Actually I agree with you... A semi vegetarian or pescatarian consumes fish, etc. Personally, I hate labels, but the problem comes in restaurants when you order a vegetarian meal and the place thinks that fish or even chicken is ok for you. I was just pointing it out because several people on...
  17. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    One thing to watch out for in Chinese and thai restaurants - they don't mention it, but there's sometimes fish sauce involved. Contrary to public opinion, vegetarians and vegans don't eat fish either. (and who wants nasty fish sauce anyways! :P). I was too swamped to cook today, so had an...
  18. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Since we're talking about vegetarian junk food, try the gardein stuff. The 'chicken nuggets' are awesome and I love their hamburgers as well. A little harder to find, but the local target has them. Also, some lean cuisines now have gardein 'meat' in them - there's a new vegetarian line. And...
  19. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    I liked the bacon I guess, although I only buy it if my husband insists on some sort of 'dish' that must have bacon. I wasn't much of a bacon person before, but I can say that it does taste bacon-y.
  20. featherz

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Heh, I guess I am lucky that I never liked hot dogs even when I ate meat. I'd love to find a decent veggie dog to feed to DH, but I don't like the fake hot dogs any more than I liked the real ones. =)
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