Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

I called around and found that that the Chinese Restaurants in our city has tofu.


Today it was announced that people who eat red meat almost every day are about 20% more likely to die early then those who do not. If you eat processed meat, i.e. hot dogs, sausage, salami, you stand a 40% chance of dieing off earlier. Unfortunately for me I have a hard time not having a nice steak about once per week. I am hoping for the best.
One thing to watch out for in Chinese and thai restaurants - they don't mention it, but there's sometimes fish sauce involved. Contrary to public opinion, vegetarians and vegans don't eat fish either. (and who wants nasty fish sauce anyways! :p).

I was too swamped to cook today, so had an Amy's tofu scramble. I love it, even though I am not really into tofu. Must be the salt and the potatoes but it's yummy. :)
One thing to watch out for in Chinese and thai restaurants - they don't mention it, but there's sometimes fish sauce involved. Contrary to public opinion, vegetarians and vegans don't eat fish either. (and who wants nasty fish sauce anyways! :p).

I was too swamped to cook today, so had an Amy's tofu scramble. I love it, even though I am not really into tofu. Must be the salt and the potatoes but it's yummy. :)
Are you discluded from being a vegitarian,forever absolutely, if you occasionally consume any animal product in your opinion, with all due respect?

I beg to differ, with all positeness, but some vegitarians DO consume fish and even fish sauce. But your right, by definition, a vegan consumes no animals products, and thus should avoid nam plah (or fish sauce). As a vegitarian (or semi-vegitarian) for 4 years before I was a vegan for 3 years, I just want to remind that there is no absolute definition of vegitarian.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Semi-vegetarianism is a term used to describe diets that are vegetarian-based with the inclusion of occasional meat products. The term has no precise or widely accepted definition, but it usually denotes the following of a mainly vegetarian diet whilst eating meat occasionally.[1][2][3][4][5] The term is sometimes used interchangeably with flexitarianism.[6][7] Semi-vegetarian diets mainly include eating small amount of fish or chicken but avoiding red meat.
Actually I agree with you... A semi vegetarian or pescatarian consumes fish, etc. Personally, I hate labels, but the problem comes in restaurants when you order a vegetarian meal and the place thinks that fish or even chicken is ok for you. I was just pointing it out because several people on my vegetarian forums are always pointing out to watch for things in certain restaurants. If you choose to eat meat occasionally , tis none of my beeswax . :)

Off to sleep folks.. !
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