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  1. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Well some have wanted an update. Amazing news.. "R" is not going to be there. SIL got mad because "R" didnt show up for some prearranged stuff. Like getting nails done and a few other before wedding things. SIL tried to contact her many times, couldnt find here. When she finally found here...
  2. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: Well about my SIL daughter being kidnapped. The CPS (child protective services) was on her side. They believed the MIL lies. She is really really good. So SIL couldnt file kidnapping charges. But SIL had to go to court also. My motto for my MIL is "She isnt happy unless she makes every...
  3. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: That would be funny. But some thing I would never do. It would embarass me way to much. And they wouldnt be able to leave, DH goes to their town and picks them up and brings them here. SIL & BIL dont have a liscence or car. Sounds like you have much bigger problems then just a wedding...
  4. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: The "R" person and my DH will have to walk down the aisle together. That would mean that he would be breaking his promise to me about never talking to her or being around her. Personally would you go if you had to see that and it would make you so mad that your palms would get all...
  5. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: If you walk over to them playing their games NAKED, I suspect the sister and BIL would leave! That would be funny. But some thing I would never do. It would embarass me way to much. And they wouldnt be able to leave, DH goes to their town and picks them up and brings them here. SIL &...
  6. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: If I turned of his game that would start a huge fight. Some times I feel like just giving up. I told my SIL that I wasnt going because "R" was there and she said that I was childish. Not going because of someone else is childish. Your DH is the best man....and you can not choose who...
  7. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    He played his gaming systems alot before. But now that he has one that goes online he is on it more. He invites his sister and BIL over all the time and they trade off on playing it all night. It makes me feel very left out. But I dont know how to play those types of games at all. I dont even...
  8. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: If I turned of his game that would start a huge fight. Some times I feel like just giving up. I told my SIL that I wasnt going because "R" was there and she said that I was childish.
  9. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    He has had the gaming system for a year. Ive had to put my son to bed a bit longer than that. Well off to give my DH his lunch for the day. I will be back later. ETA when he had a gaming system that didnt go online, he was on it alot too. But he says it is funner playing with real people...
  10. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: Or....maybe he is just not that into you. He used to be, until he got a gaming system that played online. ETA. Sometimes, I feel like I have wasted a decade of my life. There are more downs than ups. Mostly cause of his mom making trouble for us. By spreading lies about me. Im...
  11. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Several people have said to just get his attention away from the games. I know what your talking about, and I do have an imagination to have an idea of what you guys are thinking. But the last time I tried to get his attention away from his game. He said, "Hey you just got me killed and I almost...
  12. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: To me in a marriage, you have to try and try. Dont give up until there is no other way. When things get bad, you dont give up, you try to fix it. Then if that dont work, there is nothing else to do but leave. I grew up with out parents. I dont want my kids to grow up without their...
  13. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Elite Silkies, We have been wanting to get away from here for quiet awhile. 30 minutes away is all we could do. Couldnt find a job farther away. We have been here for 5 years. She said she would follow, but she hasnt. So I think if we get farther away than this, she wont follow. We are trying...
  14. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: I have no idea about the walking arrangments. I know that my daughter, SILs daughter, and grooms niece are going to be flower girls. And "R" is in the wedding. The only female adult that I know of in the ceremony besides the bride. So if she is the only adult female then I would think...
  15. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Pineapple You are making me laugh again. Hairspray... LOL Now to make a cover for it, to look like hairspray.. Good idea. Great brainstorming.. But I dont think she is going to use any hairspray, darn.. Well I better get them good with the bird feed. I dont have a chance to get them good...
  16. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: You made me laugh over this one. SIL hasnt even thought about stuff to throw. They are so not prepared. Hmmm Big things of bird food to throw. Hmm Maybe I should go after all. LOL Do you think game bird feed would work. I have some of that.. Yup Pine Cone bird feeders sound good...
  17. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    ...Thank you for all your advice. Im listening to it all. And to the couple of guys advice. Its nice to hear a guys view. Sorry TerriLacey if my thread got a complaint, and some content had to be deleted. That was not my intent. **Please keep this family friendly.**
  18. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: Thats what Im afraid of. And I think that he will have to walk with her. When I said I wasnt going cause she was going, he said he wouldnt go either. I dont know if he said that after or before he found out she was in the wedding too. ETA Well Im off to straighten up the house and get...
  19. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    SunnyDawn We do go to the beach or up river once a week. His new hobby is gold mining. But we dont stay at the beach very long. Just a bit longer than getting his concentrates and coming back to the house to work them in his blue bowl. I would love to have a game night. He dont like board...
  20. Sunny the Hippie Chick

    Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

    Quote: Well I did let every one know when it did happen. But after confronting everyone about it. We decided not to talk about it any more, and that it was in the past. I bet that is another reason he is upset with me. Because me not wanting to go because "R" is there is sort of like talking...
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