Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

Or....maybe he is just not that into you.

He used to be, until he got a gaming system that played online.

Was this before or after you started spending hours sleeping with your 4 year old?
He has had the gaming system for a year. Ive had to put my son to bed a bit longer than that.

Well off to give my DH his lunch for the day. I will be back later.

ETA when he had a gaming system that didnt go online, he was on it alot too. But he says it is funner playing with real people instead of a computer. more challenge. He some times is on it till 1am.
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break his darm pc so he stop playing his games or turn off his inter net lol
and my hubby told me to tell you
that you should go to you brother in law and tell him if he want his brother in the wedding party than R cannot be there at all.
i would not go to the wedding myself. and tell my hubby if he goes than don't come back to your bed he can sleep with the roo [maybe forever]
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That should probably tell you something!

He has found entertainment elsewhere...because you are not there. That is something to think about.
That should probably tell you something!

He has found entertainment elsewhere...because you are not there. That is something to think about.

sorry but people will find pleasure elsewhere if it is not available at home
If I turned of his game that would start a huge fight. Some times I feel like just giving up.

I told my SIL that I wasnt going because "R" was there and she said that I was childish.

Not going because of someone else is childish. Your DH is the best man....and you can not choose who your SIL is friends with. What are you really afraid of?
He played his gaming systems alot before. But now that he has one that goes online he is on it more.

He invites his sister and BIL over all the time and they trade off on playing it all night. It makes me feel very left out. But I dont know how to play those types of games at all. I dont even know how to get the game set up. So I just put the kids to bed, then play on the computer waiting for him to get down playing. When I cant stay awake any longer. I just go to bed.
If I turned of his game that would start a huge fight. Some times I feel like just giving up.

I told my SIL that I wasnt going because "R" was there and she said that I was childish.

Not going because of someone else is childish. Your DH is the best man....and you can not choose who your SIL is friends with. What are you really afraid of?

The "R" person and my DH will have to walk down the aisle together. That would mean that he would be breaking his promise to me about never talking to her or being around her. And finally this has been one promise he hasnt broken. Now my SIL is trying to make him break it.

Personally would you go if you had to see that and it would make you so mad that your palms would get all sweaty and your stomach sick.
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