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  1. M

    Creamy Pralines

    Ingredients: 1 c. brown sugar, packed 1 c. white sugar 1 c. evaporated milk 1/8 tsp. baking soda 1/8 tsp. salt 1/2 stick butter 2 tsp. vanilla 2 c. slightly toasted pecans Cooking Instructions Mix all ingredients except vanilla in a medium sized boiler. Cook over low heat until mixture...
  2. M

    Mamaws Chocolate Pie

    Ingredients: 6 tbsp cocoa 1 1/4 c. sugar 2 c. milk dash salt 1 egg, beaten 3 tbsp corn starch 1 tsp. vanilla 1 pie crust, baked Cooking Instructions Mix all ingredients in a heavy boiler, cook over medium heat until thick, stirring constantly. Pour into baked pie crust and let cool. Top...
  3. M

    Maws Pecan Pie

    Ingredients: 1 c. sugar 1/2 c. Karo syrup 3 tbsp melted butter 1 tsp. vanilla 3 eggs, well beaten 1 c. chopped pecans 1 unbaked pie shell Cooking Instructions Mix syrup and sugar with melted butter. Add beaten eggs and vanilla. Add pecans. Mix well and bake at 350° F until done (approx 55...
  4. M

    Chess Squares

    Ingredients: 1 1-lb. box powdered sugar 1 stick butter 1 box Duncan Hines yellow cake mix 1 (8-oz.) pkg. Philadelphia cream cheese 1 tsp. vanilla 4 eggs Cooking Instructions Mix butter, cake mix and 1 egg until crumbly. Press mixture into 9 x 13 x 2 pan. Cream cream cheese, powdered...
  5. M

    Cheese Biscuits

    Ingredients: 2 cups self-rising flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1/3 c. shortening 1 c. grated sharp cheddar cheese 1 c. buttermilk 1/4 stick butter, melted Cooking Instructions Preheat oven to 350° F. In a medium bowl, mix flour, baking powder, sugar and salt together...
  6. M

    Baked Potato Soup

    Ingredients: 8 oz. bacon, cooked, drained and crumbled 4 tbsp butter 1/2 cup diced celery 1 cup diced onion 1 bunch green onions, diced 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 3 cups chicken broth 2 cups half and half 4 large baking potatoes, baked, peeled, diced 1 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. pepper 8 oz. container...
  7. M

    Mandyhs Page

    Ok, here's my stab at trying to introduce myself to all of you out there interested at looking at my page. I am a 32 year old nurse/homemaker (I'll get to that in a minute), who was told she would never be able to have children. Well 7 years later, Surprise!! Myself and my husband met forever...
  8. M

    URGENT! 38Chicks alive,all SHRINK WRAPPED,Day24!*UPDATE* 1chick dead)=

    At this point you are going to have to help them out. Once they get shrink wrapped they simply cannot get out by themselves. If you tear away some of the membrane does the blood come out in drops, or like a stream? A few drops of blood will not hurt, but if it's a steady stream it will kill...
  9. M

    Turkeys as Pets?

    Turkeys are THE best pets ever. We raise blue slates and sweetgrass turkeys. The slates are more personable, but I've had them the longest and they are used to out family. They free range on 5 acres but mostly stay in the pasture. They are very inquisative birds and are way more personable...
  10. M

    broody never leaves nest

    They know when they need to get up, and will do so when they are ready. Just leave her alone and she will take care of things.
  11. M

    Anybody downsizing?

    I've sold down to about 12 of each of our breeds instead of 50 of each. It sure has helped on the feed bill. I've also got about 100 chicks that I'm fixing to give away because I'm tired of feeding them LOL. So if there's anybody close to me that wants Dominique and cuckoo marans chicks...
  12. M

    Newbie with Turkey raising Q's

    Turkey poults may not be as smart as chicks that are the same age, but once they get a little older they are very smart. We raise 2 different breeds, and unlike most chickens, they have unique personalities. I would take a turkey ANYDAY over a chicken. Just make sure that you show them where...
  13. M

    I need confirmation please

    That is NOT kudzu. Believe me, I live in MS where we have so much Kudzu they make jelly out of it.
  14. M

    Spring Lambs!

    Oh I LOVE lambs. And I agree that sheep are easy keepers.
  15. M

    Are you pro-icing, or against?

    Quote: Preach on, Sista!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. M

    SAND or MULCH (or something else???) in the RUN???? What do you use??

    You want a courser sand like mason's sand, and make it deep. If you throw fine sand out it will just pack down and get hard. If you use only an inch of it, it will become one with the clay and will be hard as well. We pay $40 bucks for a dump truck load of it.
  17. M

    Are you pro-icing, or against?

    NOOOOOO icing for me, UNLESS it's my buttercream recipe and then only a little will do. Everybody else in my family fights for the corner piece that has icing just running down the side.
  18. M


    Now this is just ME, BUT mine get chick starter until they are big enough to eat layer pellets. Been raising chickens for years, and never have any die, so that's that.
  19. M

    SAND or MULCH (or something else???) in the RUN???? What do you use??

    We have 6 to 8 inches of sand in all of our coops and runs, wouldn't do it any other way if I had to do it over again. ANy organic matter (leaves, mulch, etc) will break down and compost over time so it will stink if it gets wet. The sand allows water to drain to the bottom and is also...
  20. M

    Can I brood Turkeys, Chicks, Ducks, and Guineas together?

    The chicks, poults and keets can go together for a while, but do not put the ducks in with them. No matter how diligent you are with cleaning them, the ducks will mess the brooder up and it will not be good for the others.
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