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  1. B

    Pellets or Crumbles

    That's pretty much what I did. The transition to pellets was accidental. The store gave me pellets instead of crumbles on day and I didn't notice until I opened up the bag. They ate it fine, so I stayed with pellets. I think there's less waste and fines with pellets.
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    Moving Coup & Run

    We moved our chicken's coup & run. It's amazing how the chicks will destroy the grass in their run!!
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    Our First Egg

    This is our 1st year raising chickens. One of our girls (8 Buff Orpingtons) laid their 1st egg today. They are 20 weeks old this week. We are really excited!!
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    Should I switch to Non Medicated food?

    I was faced with the same dilemma as you. First time chicken tender, I did a lot of research. I came to the conclusion that if you brood indoors for 6-7 weeks, their immune system is developed enough to send them outside. There is no substitute for a clean, and dry environment when brooding...
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    What to do with feed fines?

    Thank you for your reply!! I was hoping that a person could do something to not waste them.
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    What to do with feed fines?

    I'm new to chickens. There is a small amount of fines in each bag of food. The chickens aren't eating it, but is there something I can do with it to feed it to them, or should they just be thrown away?
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    Help! Brinsea Ecoglow Safety 600 too hot?

    I think they say it's safe for up to 20 chicks, but that must be day old chicks!! I have 8 chicks, and by the time they were 4 weeks old, they barely fit under the plate. Worked out well though, they were ready to give up the heat plate anyway. I'm glad the heat plate worked out for you!!
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    Help! Brinsea Ecoglow Safety 600 too hot?

    I should have mentioned that I kept my plate at an angle also, higher in the front and sloping to the rear.
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    Help! Brinsea Ecoglow Safety 600 too hot?

    You may want to call their support line to see if they can help you. I assume they have a help line?
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    Help! Brinsea Ecoglow Safety 600 too hot?

    I have that same model, and I could hold my fingers on the plate without issue. It was warm, but not hot. I was afraid that mine wasn't hot enough, but the chicks would huddle underneath of it and have thrived. I kept the heat plate at the height where the plate was at their back level. I...
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    Who has raised Buff orpingtons before?

    1st time raising chickens, and I got 8 Buff Orpingtons. I got them because everything I read said that they were good chickens for the beginner to have. They are 5 weeks old now, and more active than I anticipated. They love to fly around the brooder. One almost flew out one day when I had...
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    Chicken Run

    I may drive on the driveway 1x yearly. Thanks for your input!!
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    Chicken Run

    I have an old driveway that is overgrown with grass. I'm thinking of placing my chicken run (10'x13') on top of where the road was. Do you see any problems with this. You wouldn't know there was a road underneath of the grass by looking at it. I see a couple of advantages for me. 1st, it...
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    What to put in a brooder? Other than the essentials

    Chickens love to roost, so I built mine a simple ladder type roost with two rungs. They love it, but they still love to roost on top of their heater plate and the food and waterer.
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    How are your chicks doing?

    I did a search and found the answer. Is this ok to feed to young chicks?
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    How are your chicks doing?

    What is BSF?
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    How are your chicks doing?

    Our chicks are three weeks old. We have 8 Orpingtons and they are growing fast and very active. They are about to graduate to a larger feeder and waterer. They are knocking the little chick feeders around and they have knocked over the feeder. They are a rowdy bunch!! I built a perch for...
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    Light Cycle in Brooder?

    I've got my chicks in a brooder in the garage also using a heat plate. My temps in the garage are just slightly higher than yours, and they have a window directly above their brooder. I turn on the garage lights when I get up and turn it off when it gets light outside. I turn on the lights...
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    Raising chicks in the garage

    I also have my brooder in the garage. I didn't use a heat lamp, just the Brinsea heat plate similar to the one you are using. In addition to the daylight, I supplement their light for about 4 hrs in the evening by turning on the garage lights. It gets so dark so early in the winter, so they...
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    Newby with new brood

    Thanks to those that helped me with making good brooder decisions. My chicks are now 2 weeks old and doing great!! They have really grown, and are very active running and flying around their brooder. They started perching on top of their Brinsea heat table, and on top of their food and...
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