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  1. Breezy_Living

    Do you think they'll still hatch?

    I put a little nesting box with her eggs in the corner of the coop just for her, and also grabbed some of the leaves and feathers from the spot she was nesting in. The eggs were cold this morning so i can probably assume she didn't sit on them last night (candled yesterday; no signs of life) and...
  2. Breezy_Living

    Do you think they'll still hatch?

    It's funny you mention swapping out with newly hatched chicks because I mentioned to my husband the possibility of doing this if her eggs aren't viable. During the time that we have NOTICED, she been broody for about a week or so. But she had 15+ eggs underneath her so she's been laying since...
  3. Breezy_Living

    Do you think they'll still hatch?

    We suspected one of our hens had gone broody when she would disappear all day but would always return for breakfast (meaning a predator hasn't gotten her). We finally found her in a well hidden spot amongst the blackberry bushes behind our backyard fence facing the remainder of our couple acres...
  4. Breezy_Living

    Wyandotte mix rooster?

    He was 6 mo old. And unfortunately I regret to report that one of our dogs got loose and killed him. So frustrating... :(
  5. Breezy_Living

    Wyandotte mix rooster?

    Finally got some halfway-decent photos of him!
  6. Breezy_Living

    Wyandotte mix rooster?

    Well, I guess I'll have to get a photo later with my telephoto lens. The girls were beating on him a bit and chased him into my blackberry bushes. At least he can relax in there for now, since they don't care too much about going in there! Jeez, girls! Haha
  7. Breezy_Living

    Wyandotte mix rooster?

    Thanks for reposting the photo. My mobile doesn't give me a whole lot of options when trying to post a photo. I'm going outside to try and get a photo of him standing tall.
  8. Breezy_Living

    Wyandotte mix rooster?

    I adopted a 6-month-old rooster from a lady in town that had one too many roosters. She said he is a Wyandotte mix, but I wanted to see if that seems right based on his photo. Thanks in advance! Photo :
  9. Breezy_Living

    County says Yes "HOA" says No WWYD?

    I can't but wonder about the enforcement of the "rules" of the HOA as well. If you are not required to pay into it, as an owner, it seems like they created it just to keep out people they don't like and not let disturbances get out of hand, you know? But in the case of a courteous neighbor who...
  10. Breezy_Living

    Quite a few to point out the breed

    I dont have anything to add, sorry. (I'm still what some might call a newbie. *lol*) But I must say that I just LOVE the pumpkin-orange colored chicken. Look like a little Halloween chicken!
  11. Breezy_Living

    Black Australorp roo?

    I admit that I never noticed the reddish-brown underneath her beak. It's so minor that I completely missed it. The other 2 (with the white "ears")... there's a breed that I heard that have that. Minorca, perhaps? Am I thinking of the right breed? At least this kind of confirms that I do NOT...
  12. Breezy_Living

    Black Australorp roo?

    I was under the impression that black sex links also have some brown in them? (I usually see it around the face). This girl/boy is complete black with the green-silver... or perhaps black sex link mixed?
  13. Breezy_Living

    Black Australorp roo?

    I grabbed the good digital camera hoping to get some better quality shots. All 3 definitely have more of that flash of green-silver in their feathers, but that camera don't pick it up so well. This is probably my best shot out of a few of the smaller ones. (My OP surprisingly has the best...
  14. Breezy_Living

    Black Australorp roo?

    I figured I might add, because the photo doesn't show it very well, that both these birds (all 3 in fact) are very similar in color. The black base with greenish-silvery sheen. This photo shows off the features like their combs, her white "ear" (the other hen has the same white spot), and the feet.
  15. Breezy_Living

    Black Australorp roo?

    I have a set of 3 Black Australorp's (at least that's what the feed store said they were) which I strongly suspect 1 is a roo. The only reason I have some doubts is because the hens are growing their combs faster than he/she is. But unlike the 2 girls, he/she has the tan feet whereas the girls'...
  16. Breezy_Living

    All our babies... gone.

    Last night we lost all 8 of our 3 month old chicks to a predator. We are using a makeshift bunny hutch that is our coop and a predator (probably a raccoon or possum) jumped the fence into the run and dug underneath the fenced off part of the hutch and killed all of the babies. We found 2 dead...
  17. Breezy_Living

    Too young to tell?

    I will certainly keep the photos updated! These were the only two of the same breed that differed so much in color shade (like my last two BR's) so I am endlessly curious as to the outcome. The more hens the better, but they're only about 2 weeks now. Isn't the age you can't start to "tell"...
  18. Breezy_Living

    Too young to tell?

    My previous BR set had one much lighter than the other, which turned out to be a roo, so I wondered if my Ameraucana set will end up the same way. The one in question is the one in focus, on the left. Here is the other chick of that same breed, in focus on the bottom.
  19. Breezy_Living

    Do I need a roo?

    Just my luck, as soon as we culled the slightly aggressive roo, I had the funds to make a run (instead of 100% free range then my son would play outside and get flogged). Now that one of our hens got taken by a predator -- now down to 2 of 4 of my 1st flock -- I'm started to wonder if I need a...
  20. Breezy_Living

    Help me configure a door!

    The "hole" is 2 feet and the fence around is 4 feet. And the PVC pipe is 3/4". Hope that helps! :-)
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