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  1. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Last update: unfortunately I wasnt able to fix her and she died today. I had to isolate her last night and this morning because you could tell she would die soon. She started to have blood drool and there was nothing I could think of to fix her... would anyone know why she was drooling blood...
  2. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Sadly a vet visit isn’t possible, there is none in our area who deal with chickens
  3. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Oh ok... and do you have any more ideas beside giving fishzole because i have used that for a bit now with no results.
  4. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Oh my bad... I thought it was more powerful like able to treat it much faster and quicker... is there any difference between them?
  5. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    So a new update is that after looking at the picture... today the canker thing seemed more separated into pieces and still bloody. The thing is that I forgot to mention, I have been giving her fishzole for about a week now. I am getting Aviotrich but don’t know how long it will take
  6. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Yes it looked slightly like post 4 except it had blood on it so it was hard to tell a lot about it... there is a slightly bad smell but I assumed that was drooling smell. Should I give one fishzole tablet each day?
  7. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Any ideas?!
  8. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    I definitely saw blood and it was pretty close to the top of her mouth
  9. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    she isn’t breathing heavily and this is the poop she just had
  10. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    OK MAJOR UPDATE Today while tube feeding I was able to get it down her throat easily but when I looked in there there was something bloody and extremely off I could not get a picture and have it be able to show it... I tried hard So in the circle where she breathes there was this thing that...
  11. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Ok so i have a new update: for almost a week i have been giving her the sour crop treatment that i have previously mentioned in an old post, she has also be getting electrolyes in her tube feedings. about four days ago i tube fed her and didnt do another one until 24 hours so she was able to be...
  12. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Ok and how would I treat sour crop if her crop is usually empty before tube feeding?
  13. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    So I have fishzole for canker so I will start giving her that but what would I treat for sour crop
  14. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    ...with her friend and sunbathes a lot and even picks on other chickens but she is slower than the rest and of course can’t eat or drink by herself. *except now it seems like her friend isnt doing so well... she has had ascites for awhile and I have been giving her some different things for it...
  15. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Is the oil orange and more like a solid than a liquidy oil? and sorry.. I meant like the skin is all wrinkled and has folds. So it’s like excess skin thats wrinkly if that makes sense. The skin around the crop felt like this... nothing with the crop. It’s not severe or anything but I thought a...
  16. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Hi everyone... I have a new update She is still alive and I have finished baytril and most of the deworming and she is still the same... I am trying something new and will continue to try. Except I noticed her skin and I think it is called her preen gland are weird. I was feeling her crop today...
  17. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    Could I also use Safeguard for goats while using Baytril ^im pretty sure that is fenbedazole right?
  18. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    So she also just took a poop and it looks like this... does anyone have ideas? And I think I am going to stop the baytril treatment and de worm her since I read that drooling could involve roundworms and doesn’t mean that they have respiratory problems
  19. Eddie12109

    Beak filing?

    And I also forgot to mention... she has been standing in the sun constantly. This is what she spends most of her day doing and she is sometimes shivering... does anyone know
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