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  1. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Thats good. I hear the meat birds are lucky to live past 12months (cos I got one for a pet....silly me) I have 3 layers that are over 12months. I got them when they were 3 days gorgeous. I added the 12month old roo when the girls where about 13weeks old & they all settled in very...
  2. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Hi, What is the average age for a chicken to live to anyhow??? Mine are around 12 months & the roo about 19months. Im near Wollongong NSW
  3. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Coooool!! Im 20 minutes south of Wollongong!!! Where are you two???
  4. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Hi From Wollongong NSW !!!!
  5. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Darn....I have a Silky roo....but I live in NSW. Good luck anyway with the beautiful girl....
  6. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    OMG so darn cute!!! Amazing the chicks didnt fall out???
  7. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Whitie is soooo cute, what a gorgeous little face. All ur chickens are just wonderful...ur so lucky. Ive lots of probs fitting in 5 chooks into my yard.
  8. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    YAY... Lonely is NOT lonely any more!!!! Great news
  9. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    ray's two cents : Quote: Gillard is an embarrassment to Australians. She walks like an ape, talks like a hick & dresses like my grandmother....embarrassing. I think you have her down to a T there. What a way with words Hehehee you can thank my mum for some of that cringe-worthy fodder...
  10. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    ray's two cents : Quote: That voice of hers gives me the shivers. And to think she's representing US to the rest of the world. Scary. And did you like the time she was doing that speech and said "with miy dreadful Auuuuustralian accent". I was thinking, just yours Julia, just you. I don't...
  11. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Quote: Haha...I never know when Melbourne Cup is on....I forget every year thankful I didnt waste money on betting hehe
  12. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Quote: its been ok poor galah it is sad to see animals hurt yeah, its only a juvinele (bad spelling0 so its life is kinda wasted... Hi Y'all....hows things?? My cute little fluffy boy is starting to get a bit rough with me now... When I put him down in the coop with the girls (cos I keep...
  13. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Quote: Those chooks, they think everything is food! They seem to find my toenails particularly threatening so do mine! My Silky roo does this side-step barging thing. Its like he's telling you hes the boss of the coop, & tries to bowl u over. Halarious to watch, but I clap my hands & say...
  14. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Quote: Hi guys.... I'd like to know when they stop that cute little cheeping noise & change to the clucking sound?? Mine are 6 weeks & growing fast!! They even looked like they grew while I was out for the day!!!
  15. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    ...tied up inside & cant move. With ulcers & mastitis...that goes untreated. No care. No treatment. No vets. Maximum profit for little outlay in ALL animal-based industries. I for one dont want to ignore it. Sorry ... I will stop now...LOL Good luck with Coco......keep us updated. *hugs to her*
  16. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    CHICKENMUMMA!!!! Thats some BIG hen/rooster? on ur avatar!! o.0.... I just love it to bits!!
  17. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Quote: u think ur girl was born with those problems?? Its also probably better financially you bring her home too. This is gona cost you a pretty penny I hope she can get the help she needs poor girl. Is she a young chook?? Sorry I havent read your earlier posts. Post a pic if...
  18. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Quote: Nawwww trying to hatch a plastic egg the darling....
  19. chic-a-deee

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Quote: So she hasn't eaten anything this morning but has drunk a lot of water. She's very quiet, just hanging out in the coop. I'm very worried OH NO.. chickenmumma!!! U got a sick girl?? Man some odd things can happen & Im so glad you've taken her to the vet. I feel its very important to...
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