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  1. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    That's a lotta rain! I don't know how much we got, seems like it's been raining off and on here for weeks. There's two low water bridges on the two miles of gravel road between us and US 60, and we were flooded in yesterday and couldn't get out for a while. It mattered bc we needed to get out...
  2. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    I plugged in a heated bucket today for water. Have to find my cords and figure out how to plug in a couple more. I'm using one of my outlets for a light this year, that last year I used for a bucket. Hmm. Need some exterior multi-plug outlets I guess. Why oh why don't I wire that hen house for...
  3. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    35° here now.
  4. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    :frow SE here. Poplar Bluff area. Welcome! Freeze warning for mirning, BRRR! 27° by 6 am, when my tyrant Golden retriever will insist I take her out for a walk. We have doggy doors and no neighbors but for some reason she insists. Not looking forward to it! :hit
  5. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    Ours came out of the coop and went straight under the Bus Stop. This is a sheet of corrugated roofing attached to two sawhorses. A little later we opened the gates so they could free range. They free ranged straight to under the carport. More room, but still no forage or bugs. We'll move their...
  6. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    It's funny, I don't know if the dogs just don't see the deer or if they're like, we ain't chasing that rabbit, it's too big and scary.
  7. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring! :wee It's also cold and my joints hurt but I don't care. We have a fire going, and a young deer was munching mulberry leaves in the front yard. A great start to fall weather!
  8. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    76 here today, humidity 61%. Saturday and Sunday, high 60, low 33, with 90 and 85% chances of rain, respectively. Monday, high 45, low 22, with 20% chance of rain. Tuesday, 50 high, low 25, only 5% chance of rain. Good for Halloween. Fall has fell, I'd say! Brrr!
  9. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    Oh cool, will def look! My Jenny dog usually has me up by around 5 am, sometimes earlier, as she thinks she needs my company to potty. 🙄
  10. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    Thanks, Mr. O and @SueT.
  11. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    How old are they when this is typically done? And how do you deal with the bleeding?
  12. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    Thanks. I was visualizing hacking at it with a razor blade or some such ... shudder.
  13. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    Thanks, tomorrow I will google. I know it's common practice in show birds. And I never want to see a bird of mine suffer like my BJG did. I just don't have any idea what it entails or what tools are used, how bloody or painful it might be. And yeah, I know. We (in America anyway) dock dogs'...
  14. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    It curls my toes to think about it, but ... where might one find info on dubbing? It sounds horrible, but ... we had a BJG that suffered something awful from frostbite both on his comb and wattles a couple of winters ago. I like the breed but I'll never have another because of that.
  15. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    Sorry, purebreds.
  16. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    Sue, after looking again, I realized I had my night filters on last night, making your birds look yellower than they really are. Lol.
  17. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    Thanks, Sue. Am aware of all that about 'caunas, 'canas, etc., and have always had EEs, which I love. Am looking into getting some of the pb's maybe this spring, or at least some hatching eggs. But they have to be LF, at those prices I do NOT want expensive hawk fodder, lol! I have lost a LF hen...
  18. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    Mmm, chili and cornbread! Sounds good. Think I'll fix that for tomorrow, thanks! Pic #2 is a gorgeous example of mammatus clouds! Yup, that will go right over our heads! Can't wait! Whoa, those birds are TURQUOISE! Quick, tell me what they are, where I can get some, and what color eggs they...
  19. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    Wow! Good to know there's a healthy population in the area.
  20. BigBlueHen53

    calling any one from missouri

    I still have a few, hens mostly. Did not have as many this year as last ... last year they had me filling 4 feeders daily. This year, only two small feeders, and only once or twice a week and they are not even close to emptying them. Heat? Drought? Bird flu?
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