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    Cleaning Syringe for multiple chickens?

    Wondering how to best disinfectant syringe while dosing multiple chickens? I will be worming with Valbazen.
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    Can I add new chicks to flock?

    This will be a long post, but I need your opinions/recommendations. I got my first chickens (4-5 mo old) in March 2023 from a friend with chickens. I later let Broodies hatch their eggs. I also purchased/received 1day old chicks (non-vaccinated) at the same time the chicks hatched. Hatched...
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    Chicken falling over-need advice please

    Does this look like scaly leg mites? They don’t really actually look as dark as the picture. Would it make it difficult for her to stand? She’s wobbly when standing and soon falls over to right. Still eating and drinking. I covered legs with Vaseline 2x and am following the instructions...
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    Chicken with swollen throat

    Just found a chicken with a swollen throat. Swollen inbetween waddles. Noticed it after watching her struggling to eat. Noticed she had trouble swallowing, mouth is open, shaking head. Looked in throat and just big and red(dark pink). Treated them with Valbazen 2x, round of Corbin (10 days)...
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    Coop ventilation question

    Hoping someone can answer a few questions regarding adequate ventilation on this coop. I originally purchased it for a temporary until my larger coop/run was completed. Then chicken math came and well figured I might as well get chicks for this one😌. It came with ventilation on 3 sides, but not...
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    Chicken dying need help!

    New to chickens this year. I’m not sure what is wrong with them. Clean water changed several x day, food available all day. Had 2 die last week. Fine one day, gone 2 days later. Thought bacterial-though I give them acv sporadically. Cleaned out coop and waterer. Wormed all Sat. Now another...
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    Wyandotte ID help

    Need help to confirm sex on these two, also what color would they be considered? They are 18 weeks old. Thank you
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    Bumblefoot prognosis

    Hello all, I have been treating my chicken’s foot for Bumblefoot. The first time I opened it, I didn’t find pus but did take out some yellow kernel. Opened it up 2x more to recheck it since she is still limping and holding up her leg sporadically, but looked pink with no pus. I have kept it...
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    Splash Wyandottes cockerel vs pullet?

    These are my first baby chicks raised. Wondering if the color alone would distinguish if cockerel or pullet? I have 2 of ea-11 weeks old and they have been these colors from early on. Thinking left is cockerel? They are much bigger than the other 2. Or can some pullets be that color also? My...
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    Gold Lace Wyandottes? Pullet or cockerel?

    First one (has #1 at bottom right) is 9 weeks old today, #2 is 8 weeks today. Thought I had these figured out but now I’m not sure. If you think cockerel, please tell me why. I know waddle comb is red, but I read Wyandottes can be tricky. Thank you
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    Toenail Issue

    Anyone ever run across anything like this? Looking for recommendations how to treat this curled toenail/swelling (left foot, back toe). How to know how much toenail to cut off?
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    Mama with 3 week chicks laying eggs.

    First time hatching brooder hen’s chicks. Chicks were 3 weeks old on June 29. They are in a separate run with mama hen and enclosed in their brooder crate with mama hen at night. Mama hen started laying eggs yesterday, but she still put chicks to bed under her last night. Laid another egg...
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    Blue Ameraucana Cockrel?

    Thinking to get this Cockerel. Since I am new with Ameraucanas, want him for breeding, and with all the controversies regarding Ameraucanas, I would like to confirm it is the preferred color of blue and an Ameraucana? Is around 3 months. Would I be able to put 4 month cockerel in with 8 week...
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    Sold as an Ameracauna pullet? Can Ameracauna have yellow legs? She has a scissor bite, and is small, but eats good and appears to be happy. She should be almost 6 months old, I’ve had her since around 3 months. She was picked on at first. But it seems normal now after the feather pluckers got...
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    Pulley expelling milky water

    One of my chickens bent over and expelled a stream of milky water from mouth. She’s around 5 months old. I didn’t notice any smell, nor did I feel or see anything in crop. I don’t notice anything abnormal about her either. She eats, drinks, and acts the same as always, however I have...
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    Hen or Rooster?

    Hello, I’m new to chickens. This is one of 4 hens I purchased that are currently around 4-5 months old. It’s taller than the other 3 the same age. Now wondering if it might be a rooster? What do you think?
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    Newbie E TX

    Hello, I am a beginner that got my first flock of 6 hens, one rooster 3 weeks ago, Wyandottes. They are 4-5 months. I added 4 more a week later. Consisted of 3 Wyandotte hens, 1 Ameraucana hen, all 3-4 months old. All came from same breeder. I already have a lot of questions and look forward...
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