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  1. motherbear

    Question about Molting & Post Your Molting Pics Please

    We're going through our first bout of real molting. The girls are about 15 months old. I'd guess this girl is about 3 weeks in. You can see why no one takes pictures of them during this pathetic stage Here she is with one of her hatchmates who is not molting - both are NHR. The yard...
  2. motherbear

    "Hens eggs are MOOSHY when boiled - PROBLEM??"

    I don't know if this will help, but I've noticed the same thing with our 1 year old cuckoo marans hen when she started laying again after a broody spell. Hormones?? Shells are still very dark, smooth and thick - just weird whites when boiled - they remind me of boiled eggs that have been left...
  3. motherbear

    Egg Pictures Please! Still need pictures!

    Here's New Hampshire Reds eggs. For comparison: first 3 "sets" are New Hampshire Reds, followed by Marans, EE, and Brahma. All hatchery birds.
  4. motherbear

    First timers hatching eggs with a broody. Lots of questions

    We had the same dilemma and ended up leaving mama in the nesting box until all the babies were hatched. We did put up a little barricade after one of the babies fell out. On day 22, we moved everyone (including the 3 unhatched eggs just in case) to the floor of the coop. Hen still sat on them...
  5. motherbear

    Can anyone recommend a good hypoallergenic pup for cats & chickens?

    We have a "miniature" schnauzer as well - who totally outgrew his breed standard - he's about the size of a border collie. Great with the chickens and the cat. Very obedient and calm. We kept a soft muzzle on him when we first let the pullets out to free range just in case. He's fine with...
  6. motherbear


    Fun thread!! I LOVE looking at everyones animals Here's three of mine, all rescues. Front is Sonny's Silk Socks AKA Silky - 14yo APHA mare. When we adopted her a year ago she was a body score of about 2. Next is Promising River 16 yo TB mare. At the back is Paaso. 19yo Arabian gelding...
  7. motherbear

    anyone have pictures of there pop doors

    All the pics for this coop are in this post:
  8. motherbear

    roosts and windows

    Our roosts face windows - so far no problems. They seem to enjoy it, and we cover them when it's windy.
  9. motherbear

    Our "Coop De Ville" **Updated with construction and detail pics**

    Thanks everyone for your kind feedback. Here's a few details, and yes, now that I've gone through pics, I see that maybe I do have enough for a coop page. This will do for now though... Here's my wonderful DH attempting to convey his idea for the design. "Plans? who needs plans" (yes he's...
  10. motherbear

    Our "Coop De Ville" **Updated with construction and detail pics**

    Thanks We've had chickens in it for a while - just slow to post pics. They do seem quite content I believe it's 6x8 with 4 nesting boxes stuck out the back (so we can collect the eggs from the outside). We had 11 until recently (danged coyotes), but we have babies now, so we're up to 12...
  11. motherbear

    Our "Coop De Ville" **Updated with construction and detail pics**

    Thanks to everyone on BYC for all the ideas!! Here's our coop.
  12. motherbear

    FuzzyButts (pic)

    There's always got to be a rebel... This is our first experience with hen raised chicks. They are 3 weeks old today and it's the first time for them all to be on the "big girl" perch with mom.
  13. motherbear

    When do your chickens go into their coop for the night?

    Quote: HAHA - you sound like me last year. They really do figure it out pretty quickly if you let them. I don't know how many evenings we wasted chasing ours down to put them away -then one one night we just decided to wait and see what they did on their own... You guessed it, they marched...
  14. motherbear

    When do your chickens go into their coop for the night?

    Mine vary, but the even the stragglers go in well before full dark.
  15. motherbear

    Assorted Reds from TSC, what are the possiblities?

    Don't know if this will help, but here's pics of some of ours from last year. The baby in the front is a NHR, next is a buff brahma, the back is a cuckoo maran, all are pullets. We have 3 NHR's and they are great layers and sweet hens.
  16. motherbear

    Could a Hawk Carry off HUGE Rooster??????? ROO VANISHED Keesha's posturing, the hawk backed down with no damage to anyone. According to the county trapper (who was out helping with the coyote issue *caught two just over the hill btw*), most hawks won't risk getting in a scuffle in order to insure they are healthy enough to hunt another day. I...
  17. motherbear

    A corner of my coop

    I love it! Thanks for sharing.
  18. motherbear

    ~Broody Hen Contest!~ Results on first Page

    Wow, Hennie is Beautiful!! What breed is she? Here's a second one of 10 month old Keesha (Cuckoo Marans) with her now 2 week old babies. They've grown so much since the last pic I entered (OK only 4 had even hatched in that one )
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