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  1. Fishsticks06

    Ideas for a small coop + run

    Hey all, I would like to know if there’s any recommended blueprints I could follow for a small-scale, economical, and straightforward housing system I could build for two hens that I would like to separate from the rest of the flock. I would like to fence off a small section around the area...
  2. Fishsticks06

    Hen with swollen eye

    Note: I forgot to get a photo tonight, I’ll get one tomorrow morning. Hey all, I have a hen who I assume had her eye pecked at. I noticed it last night. Her eyelid was a little bloody and swollen all around the eye. It was completely sealed shut. It was the same today, didn’t look any better as...
  3. Fishsticks06

    Single chick during hatch has separation anxiety

    Hey all, Going to be concise. I had a bad hatch where I only got one chick. He is two days old. It has imprinted on me and screams bloody murder when it can’t see me anymore. It was fine when it wanted to sleep in the incubator all day after it had hatched but now it is restless and wants to be...
  4. Fishsticks06

    Sick hen(?)

    Hey all, I have a hen who’s pretty lethargic. Noticed it yesterday. She’s sitting around a little during the day which is unlike her , comb is drooping, and she has a pasty green-yellow fecal discharge. She’s also sleeping on the coop floor tonight which is very peculiar for her. Besides that...
  5. Fishsticks06

    Hen having trouble walking

    Hello, I have a five year old Dominique hen who’s having trouble walking. She stumbles around and can’t put weight on the leg well. Her toes are also curled slightly inward. It started around yesterday when she got out of her area and with some of the roosters (I keep her physically separated...
  6. Fishsticks06

    Hen won’t come outside of coop

    Hey all, I have a 5 year old Dominique hen who’s became a recluse. She almost never comes out of the coop by herself, she just sits in there all day and I don’t know what to do about it. She looks healthy, eats and drinks normally when I bring her out, and doesn’t act sick in any way. The only...
  7. Fishsticks06

    Selling hatching eggs

    Hey all, I want to start selling hatching eggs online (Ebay, etc..) just as a side profit to pay for my chickens. Problem is, I don’t know what would sell well. I’m looking to get around half a dozen new birds for breeding, either a hybrid or a purebred lineage. I have ideas of starting a...
  8. Fishsticks06

    Immobile hen

    Hey everyone, I’ll try to condense this with as much necessary information as possible. I have a hen who is about 9-10 lbs (rooster size, not obese) that suddenly became lame in her right leg one morning. She keeps tilting her head up slowly and jerking it back down often, and her balance also...
  9. Fishsticks06

    Broody hen.

    I have a broody hen sitting on a clutch of a lot eggs that I’m planning to candle tonight. She’s quite far along, I think about 2 weeks now. If I have too many viable eggs, what should to cull them? Should I get and area to separate her from the other chickens? I have 2 roosters so I don’t know...
  10. Fishsticks06

    Identify predator

    Hey all, I lost a hen yesterday morning to some unknown predator. I’ll be getting batteries for my trail cam today to see if I can identify it, but I thought I’d also post her to get some input. I have a separate coop and run from my main coop with two hens. It’s used to separate from the rest...
  11. Fishsticks06

    Hen eye issue

    I have a hen about one year old now. Found her like this today. Her eyelid is very inflamed. Other eye is totally normal. There is no bleeding to the eye or eyelid itself but it looks serious. Any cure tips? What should I disinfect with? Any tips on to nursing her?
  12. Fishsticks06

    Guard geese?

    Hi all, Tl;DR I have a problem with a large raptor and need to know if geese would help in this situation, and if so, what information should I know about them to prepare myself? I’m trying to find ways to safeguard my flock from raptors. I know that continuing to keep them confined in their...
  13. Fishsticks06

    Old hen issues

    I have a sex-linked hen (about 4 years of age) she has lost a lot of weight and her sense of balance. Her crop is not full, and she’s acting recluse. One noticeable issue is that she keeps jerking her head down every few seconds because it keeps tilting up. What do I do?
  14. Fishsticks06

    Lost a rooster to a hawk; need advice

    I had a flock of 17 birds with 16 hens and one Buckeye rooster. We've had 2 hawk attacks on my hens prior with both leaving the hawk battered and my hens uninjured thanks to my rooster, he's been a good boy. Yesterday, I lost my rooster to a hawk. His feathers were the only scattered so I assume...
  15. Fishsticks06

    Losing a hen once a month.

    I'm having a hard time right now as I keep losing a bird once a month. Started in May, lost a year old Light Brahma. No prior incidences, but couldn't walk and refused to eat. Didn't pant/show signs of heat stroke. Happened when I let all of my birds out on a cool, but humid morning. Coops are...
  16. Fishsticks06

    Old hen has issues

    I have a red sex link hen who I’ve had for a little over 3 years. I’ve noticed she’s been reclusive and slown down in her movements. Recently, she’s lost a lot of weight and has wet poop. She lost all strength to walk, and just sits. She’ll doze off while she’s sitting and her comb is floppy...
  17. Fishsticks06

    Predator problem?

    I have just transitioned 9-10 week old chicks to the coop, and they’ve been locked in the run/coop area for a couple days now when I’m not present. Problem is, they put up such a fight trying to go in the coop, and start getting very loud once I shut them in. The coop and run rests about two...
  18. Fishsticks06

    Black Australorp cockerel not a cockerel?

    I have a Black Australorp that was bought from the “rooster” bin at a feed store. The chick is 9 weeks old exactly. Do I have a pullet?
  19. Fishsticks06

    Dead hen

    Hey everyone, I had a Light Brahma hen that just died this morning. It was very sudden, and I'm a bit bewildered. Could anyone help narrow down what happened to her or give any advice? I'll be writing what I observed, and will be posted a picture shortly. Background information: She's a rescued...
  20. Fishsticks06

    What breed are they?

    Hi everyone, I have three rescue hens I saved from an overcrowding situation the day after Easter. I identified one of them to be a Light Brahma, and I’m unsure on the other two breeds. These birds are as large as my Buckeye rooster for scale. I’m thinking the white one is a White Jersey Giant...
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