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  1. earlybird10842

    Broody's eggs unexpectedly hatched....What do I do next?

    Hi, A few weeks ago one of my hens went broody. I didn't expect anything to actually be able to hatch because it was actually below zero, but I left the eggs under her anyway.This morning I lifted up the broody to discover three small chicks. They're in a nestbox right now, and the other...
  2. earlybird10842

    Can I get rid of mites without using chemicals, or is trying silly?

    Hi! I recently discovered, to my great dismay, that at least one (Probably more) of our birds have mites, and there's an infested nestbox in the coop. We have dust to combat it, but after reading the warnings on the label, it almost sounds as if it poses a greater threat to the chickens to the...
  3. earlybird10842

    Mites on broody hen and eggs

    I just came home to find tiny bugs--mites, I think?--all over the bottom of a broody hen and her eggs, as well as in the shavings in the nestbox. I disposed of the eggs and removed the hen, who seems healthy besides the mites all along her chest. I just found the mites this afternoon, but the...
  4. earlybird10842

    Hens not laying at all, why?

    We have six hens. Two three-year-old highline browns, (Which is a commercial laying breed we got from an organic egg farm nearby), a five-year old commercial breed who is so old she is blind, a buff orpington, an Easter egger and a Partridge rock. Out of these six, there should be three who are...
  5. earlybird10842

    Can someone give me some good breed choices?

    We started keeping chickens with a commercial mixed breed, highline browns or similar. They were really disease prone, and most died before four years old, several of egg yolk peritonitis. I decided to go with healthier breeds when we got chicks one spring--An Orpington, an EE, a Partridge rock...
  6. earlybird10842

    Can I bandage a comb?

    We have an older, mostly blind hen whose comb I found bleeding this morning. The cold has kept the chickens in their small coop for almost a week, so I am not surprised, but I want to keep this from happening again. Is there a way I can bandage it so the other hens don't see blood and peck more?
  7. earlybird10842

    Hen has sour crop--Help me out here, please.

    I had been keeping an eye on my year and a half old Easter Egger, Margaret for a few weeks, since she didn't seem to be as active. I checked for things like fly strike and egg yolk peritonitis, but didn't think about crop problems until today. I picked her up and noticed her muff stank and was...
  8. earlybird10842

    Blind hen

    Several years ago, we got five hens of a commercial laying breed. After they hit about four years, none of the four we still had were very healthy, and three of them died--two from Egg yolk peritonitis, one from something that I now am thinking was also caused by an egg yolk peritonitis-like...
  9. earlybird10842

    The Rooster Thread

    This thread is for the discussion of owning roosters, keeping them in your flock effectively, and the sharing of tips and tricks to have a successful flock with a rooster in it. This is my rooster, Colonel Brandon I He is an nine-month old highline brown, I think, I got him from a free-range...
  10. earlybird10842

    Thank you BYC staff!

    Hey, thank you BYC mods! I was just thinking how you made this community the great place it is! There was spam a few minutes ago--it was there, and then I refreshed the page--it was gone! Thank you for acting so quickly! I think you all deserve a hand for being an awesome group of people!
  11. earlybird10842

    Was BYC down, or was it just me?

    Was BYC down About 5-ish central time?? I got an error message when trying to get online. Reloaded--nothing. This has happened once before, a few days ago. The site logo also changes from a chicken picture to some blue square when this happens. It wasn't down for long either time, but instead...
  12. earlybird10842


    It is a skating ring outside my house today. Tried to go somewhere, got about four out of eight miles down the hill toward our destination, we were almost at the bottom of the hill, almost to the larger, fully paved roads, and then found out there was a place you could ABSOLUTELY couldn't pass...
  13. earlybird10842

    Almost Home~~A Story Game

    ..., and the charechter creator before doing anything drastic--injuring or killing another chicken, going broody and hatching eggs, ect. HERDS *chicken herd *dog herd *goat herd *Rabbit herd (these herds can be named and new herds for each species can be created. Ranks can be made for the...
  14. earlybird10842

    Over The Snow Chicken Playground

    My chickens used to free-range, but two predator casualties in the fall changed that. The chicken's run was not very big, and it was covered--sort of like a sun-room--so that was no alternative to free-ranging. So we created a pasture-like enclosure adjacent to the sun-room type run, and added a...
  15. earlybird10842

    Early winter has arrived--looks like we might get a good winter.

    Went to bed last night, and there was just a dusting of snow left. We had gotten an inch earlier, but it was almost gone. Woke up to FIVE INCHES and it is still snowing--going on six inches now. I am a skier, so this is like a guarantee that the ski hill is going to open on schedule. For the...
  16. earlybird10842

    Chicken Story Game--Closetree island

    I know I've tried this before, but I want to try it again. This is a game where you add on to the story everyone else is written. This is not a roleplay, you don't have to create a character, can use any character at any time, and don't really have to commit to the game like you do an RP--you...
  17. earlybird10842

    issues with the editor--quoting issue? fluke?

    Okay, so I wanted to quote two posts on a thread. So on the first one I pushed "multi", on the second I pushed "quote".....and only the second post came up in the editor. I tried again, but it still didn't work. So I decided not to quote, deleted the post that had been quoted and typed in my...
  18. earlybird10842

    The Coopschooling Co-op Network Chatroom! (BBSJ Spinoff)

    This thread is a spinoff of the Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. Please join that thread (link is chicken chat thread) to join this thread. (See Below on how to join) Coopschool list and member page here...
  19. earlybird10842

    Can't post replies

    When I try to reply in the reply box below a thread, I get an error message saying I didn't enter text. Help!
  20. earlybird10842

    Who is experiencing smoky air?

    It ALWAYS happens--sometime between July and September, the large valley we live in fills up with smoke. It's there if we have fires in the next state, it's bad if we have fires in the nearby counties, and it's horrid if we have fires in the valley itself. Sometimes it gets so bad the sun looks...
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