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  1. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hello :) working tons now but finally have technology that can load b.y.c. :) :) kept chickens; lots of life changes and more to come (good) missed the chicken chatter
  2. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome! Under: Care: ... Understanding behavior...two links. :)
  3. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Most roos that attack can't be converted. In my Sig. Link I have an article saved in "fuzzy's notes" that explains rooster behavior, hoping it was a one time and lesson learned. Are some suggestions in article to work with him should you go that route. My mean ones turned mean at puberty, roo I...
  4. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Beehive for the pasture??? ;)
  5. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    What??? Around here you can not camp on your own property for a length of time- i had the enforcement called on me to check one year when my birds still lived in a camper, saw me everyday and a light at night even! --- chick lamp lol! If they would stoop to killing your birds they will steal...
  6. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I do not even own a tv, so not glued to it for news but i do worry. That they are testing before killing is reassuring, but i have a house of doves as well to be concerned about. At this point if my rooster was killed i would be done with chickens for a few years. Hens are easy to home (unless...
  7. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Search the "wichita coop" (spelling?) It is a very good coop for an urban setup, visually pleasing and practical. For absolute foolproof i suggest a cement base, pressure treated lumber, and 1/2 " x 1" hardware cloth in 16 gage; screws and washer to attach the wire vs staples. You can let them...
  8. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I'd look online for deer blinds. I got one decent from casnovia MI The ravenna auction has birds regularly far worse than the pictured iffy ones. Sometimes birds don't make it to the end of the sale. I like to go to swaps/ auctions but look only unless i'm pretty sure then lots of observayion...
  9. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Uh oh....i have a thing for rarities..... Drywall tip: you can save a lot of sanding if you take a damp wrung out sponge over the partially set patches you are mudding. I can usually get them invisably blended by the second coat (screw dent mudding, second time is in case it shrinks in while...
  10. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    The family farm and home allowed single chick sales vs the 3 chick minimum at tractor supply. I have also combined orders with strangers to get one chick. They get a few free birds i get whatever special bird/s i happened to spy. One chick is a screaming chick!!! Only reason i got two yesterday.
  11. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    The chick that looks like she has the type to a T of my passed girls
  12. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Selecting easter eggers- If you are simply wanting eggs/ free range the narrow headed ones tend to have wilder blood. You will notice them keeping up with the other stampeeding chicks in the chick bin. Huggers- You want the ones that have a wide head and a square body vs the brick shape...
  13. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Are you guys sure these aren't speckled sussex???
  14. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Anyone have a non-pdf link on *why* brooding ducklings in the house without heat is bad?? I know why but my sister insists she don't need it for the babies she picked up earlier this week from tsc. Her bf family is telling her this likely. Just because you can do a thing don't mean u should. I...
  15. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome! they are refusing to clear the debt with the court. More money...grr. but when it is done i can buy. :) looking for 3-10 acres in cedar springs area. In solan township supposably you can have a *horse* on 3. Not that i would mind acerage but i really do not feel that 3 chickens need 5...
  16. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I stayed outside of mesivk one summer and worked in TC. God's country. Ex made me come back else i never would have. Air was clean and i never got headaches, which i normally get most days. Doves i have a plenty at moment, the two i recently bought did turn out girls. The older one will not...
  17. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Wow. I think it is a nice photo as well. Hmm. So other birds are molting? One of my new dove's feathers have all started falling out :( as in bald patches on head and all. No one else, the boy she was with for a bit and her daughter look fine. I see pins so hoping it is merely a hard molt. I...
  18. fuzzybutt love

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Nice! I saw a flock of doves that had clearly come from down south a couple days ago. Too fat and robust for here, and hadn't dispersed yet. The few that had stayed in MI i know where they perch. Heard birdsong that sunny day as well; hope!!! I am late getting my rose order in but even the...
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