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  • Users: AzDuck
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  1. AzDuck

    Bumblefoot? Without swelling? *photo*

    Hi BYC, My Indian Runner, Freya, has a cut on her foot. I just noticed this yesterday, but I’ve been cleaning it with Vetericyn and treating it with antibiotic ointment. Today I used Silver Sulfadiazine as well and put a neoprene boot on her for the night. These look like little bumbles, but...
  2. AzDuck

    Mystery Chicken Illness?

    Hi BYC, I only have ducks, and can usually be found browsing the duck forums, however, my grandma's chicken is in need of some help. I have contacted our local mobile farm vet, but she does not normally treat chickens. She is willing to do the research to help out but is unsure of where to...
  3. AzDuck

    Well this is an interesting duck toe!

    Hi guys! Has anyone seen a growth like this on their own duck? It doesn't have any of the normal "bumble signs," and it does not appear to bug her when I palpate that area. She does have a slight limp today, but she has had a history of presenting with an off-and-on limp for most of her life (I...
  4. AzDuck

    Nightcrawlers carrying parasites?!

    I have to be honest, I just now read about this today. I did a lot of research before getting my ducks buuuuuut never came across this info until now. My ducks eat a TON of nightcrawler worms (I mean a TON) because the people who lived at our property before us (around 15 yrs ago) "planted"...
  5. AzDuck

    Interesting foot x-rays for additional interpretation, anyone?

    ...found what she thought to be a complete separation of the medial digit of the foot where it attaches to the tarsometatarsal -After follow-ups rads (*attached to this post*) it was apparent that the medial digit is basically "floating" and the joint has been obliterated (my guess is from some...
  6. AzDuck

    VERY swollen foot. Does this look like a broken toe?

    So my Farrah girl is still limping just as badly as she was last week when I posted. She was on 10 days of a TMS suspension (but she basically refused to take it the last three days). I originally thought I saw a small puncture where bumble was starting over a week ago, so I rushed to get her...
  7. AzDuck

    Bumblefoot w/o scab, or something else?!

    Hi BYC Family! I went out this morning to let my ducks out for the day, and my khaki campbell girl was walking just (or so it seemed). Then, about ten minutes later after I came back from feeding our horses, she was severely limping, but still attempting to run with the rest of the flock. Her...
  8. AzDuck

    Found mold in straw! Question.

    Hi BYC, I went to spread new straw in my duck’s coop and run today and found a flake with mold on the inside of it. The rest of the flakes I spread looked just fine, but I got paranoid and cleaned out the entire coop and run for hours today. What I’m wondering is, can I use the rest of the bale...
  9. AzDuck

    Are ducks okay without overnight water?!

    I have five ducks that I keep in an inclosed coop at night. It is deeply bedded with straw, pine shavings, and pine pellets. Having water in their coop has been a huge mess, but I took their water away about two weeks ago (once it really started to freeze at night). They are in their coop from...
  10. AzDuck

    Weird time to lay an egg??

    Do anyone’s ducks lay at weird times when it’s cold? Usually my ducks lay their eggs very early in the morning, and occasionally I find them around the yard after I let them out to free range late morning-midday. Today I found one laid randomly by one of my runners sometime between 3pm-4:30pm...
  11. AzDuck

    Looking for some encouragement

    ...source of happiness for me that I couldn’t imagine my life without them. Thank you guys ❤️ I know a lot of you really really love your birds, and I’m hoping I can find someone to relate. & sorry for pouring my heart out, it’s just been one of those weeks. *these are the babies earlier this...
  12. AzDuck

    Indian Runner with a really large crop? Normal?

    I have one Indian runner female duck that I have noticed has a large “jiggly” crop area. Has anyone on here had to help their duck clear their crop? I’ve read where some people make them throw up, but I’m scared it may hurt her. I noticed it looked full and jiggly yesterday, but I didn’t think...
  13. AzDuck

    Cayuga ready to lay eggs?

    3 of my 4 females (2 runners and 1 khaki) are laying, and have been since the beginning of October. They are now a little over 6 months. My Cayuga isn’t laying yet, but she has an awkward little “pouch” that almost drags the ground sometimes. I heard that means they are getting close to laying...
  14. AzDuck

    The Science of Egg Laying (Duck Question)

    This is just a question for the group about the process of egg laying because I’m curious. I’m new to ducks this year, so I’m learning a lot (or trying to at least :D). 3 of my 4 girls just started laying this past month. I noticed this morning that my Khaki Campbell (who I suspect laid her...
  15. AzDuck

    5 month old duck cough/wheeze. When to worry?

    Hi BYC I have a 5 mo old female runner who woke up today with what I would call a small wheeze or cough? She just started it this morning, but she has plenty of water to clear her nares with. When should I start to worry? I have oral antibiotics if needed, but I don’t want to over react and...
  16. AzDuck

    Quick Egg Question

    Hi BYC :frow My ducks are going to start laying any time now, and currently I am treating them for mild bumblefoot. Obviously they do not like being picked up for us to slather ointment on their feet, and although they’re getting better about it, they still freak out a bit. My question is...
  17. AzDuck

    My first FRIENDLY chicken!

    We got these girls from a friend with a farm up the road from us. Apparently her husband bought upwards of 50 chicks during the beginning of quarantine and she wasn’t really on board with that high of a number. She told me to come over and pick out however many I wanted. I got these three and...
  18. AzDuck

    Bumblefoot Question (Photos)

    Hi Everyone! I’m a little confused with bumblefoot. Do all cuts on ducks feet turn to bumblefoot, or can they sometimes heal on their own? I have 5 ducks and I noticed one had a slight limp today. I looked at her foot and noticed what I think is the beginning of bumblefoot (she is duck “A”...
  19. AzDuck

    Could someone please help—worried for my ducks.

    Hi, I have 5 ducks that are between 3-4 months old. Today, two of them (my female fawn and white runner, and my female khaki campbell) started shaking their heads and throwing up a clear, sticky looking fluid. One (the runner) was shivering as well. I rushed them to the vet because I was...
  20. AzDuck

    Moving Ducks Outside (Temp Question)

    ...I read an “age chart” that said they shouldn’t be in temps below 50 at this age, however, I know others that put them out in colder temps. They are *almost* fully feathered. Can I put them out if it is only going to be in the mid-high 40’s some nights? I’m worried to shock them, since they’ve...
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