Search results for query: first aid kit

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  1. C

    Any tips on making a first aid kit for my chickens, improving overall, etc

    My chickens are pretty well but we do tend to have a lot of scaly leg and some chicken infighting, as I such I do my best with said issues. But I'm open to pretty much any advice to better the lives of my chickens so any help is welcome. Thank you.
  2. The Welch Chickens

    Blu-Kote for first aid kit?

    I am making an emergency first aid kit to have on hand for my chickens. I have been reading about "Blu-Kote" spray and thinking about adding it to my kit. What do you all think? Would you recommend Blu-Kote for wounds or is there something better? It just doesn't seem very safe; there are a lot...
  3. Evadig

    First Aid Manual/Kit for Poultry

    I recently took a First Aid/CPR class and the instructor required us to put together an emergency manual and a first aid kit. I was thinking it would be a good idea to have something like that for chickens (and other fowl). I of course intend on doing my own research, but here are a few...
  4. Brizi

    Chicken Emergency Kit / First Aid Kit

    I've decided to make a chicken emergency kit / first aid kit. I've got stuff for wounds, basic illnesses, bumblefoot, and coccidiosis. Please tell me if I'm missing anything important! - FlockLeader Recover 911 - Neosporin - Bandage Wrap - Butterfly Bandages - VetRX - Vetericyn Spray - Wonder...
  5. Strong Bad

    First Aid Kit

    Hey BYC Peeps! If you had to do it again, what you put in your Chicken First Aid Kit? Thanks everyone!
  6. missmychicks

    First aid kit?

    Just found out there aren't any vets who treat chickens anywhere near us- if you had to have emergency meds/treatments on hand (epsom salts, corid etc) what you you recommend?
  7. D

    Advise needed. Head stuck in fence = Swollen tongue and throat.

    So we're in the middle of torrential rain. I went out to check the ducks and one of the girls has wedged her head through the avery wire fence and got herself stuck (she had to be determined because it's a small mess). I managed to get her out but she could have been like that for hours. Her...
  8. M

    First aid kits

    First Aid products and how to use them
  9. Pampered chicken girl

    Poultry first aid kit

    I am making this for any noobies or people who don't have one of these. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A EMERGENCY KIT YOU MAY COST YOUR CHICKEN THERE LIFE! I always keep these items on hand for emergencies and such: Vet wrap Triple antibiotic Styptic powder Liquid calcium (for egg binding) Hen healer balm...
  10. PippinTheChicken

    First aid kit

    Yesterday I started my chicken first aid kit. So far it contains: Epsom salts Vetrap Electrolyte powder Antibiotic ointment Vetericyn Chlorohexidine Gauze pads Written instructions in curing bumblefoot What else do I need? In my feed store I saw some scaly leg cream, and some anti peck. I may...
  11. B

    First Aid Kit for Guineas

    I know I have some holes in my first aid kit, like Tylan. What items do I need? I have: Corrid Ivermectin Rooster Booster Dichotomous earth Blu Kote Vetericyn Iodine Gauze Vetwrap I need to replenish: Sav A Chick Poly Vi Sol (which specific one? with iron? w/o iron?) What do I need to add...
  12. M

    First Aid Kit

    Is there a compiled list of medications/products to use for chicken illnesses or injuries, along with the appropriate dosages and number of times to administer each day? Thanks!
  13. Ccort

    First aid kit

    I am preparing for my baby chicks arrival. What do you need for a chicken first sidnkit...from birth through adulthood? Also, I am reading that I should have "gro gel" on hand for arrival. Where do you find that and how much do they need?
  14. BlackbeardTheGuinea

    first aid kit

    do you have one? What is in it? Do you know if this is a good formula? Thank you! @BlackbeardTheGuinea
  15. cackleberryandco

    What to Put into a First Aid Kit?

    Hey! I was thinking of maybe making a first aid kit of sorts for my girls, just to have some things that would be nice to have around in case of emergencies so I won't have to go searching the whole internet and every store for it when something does happen. Does anyone have anything I can add...
  16. Lazygaze

    What’s in your chicken first aid kit?! 🐓

    I’m newish to keeping chickens (coming up to a year) and I’d love to know what is in your chicken first aid kit! I’m based in the UK so there may be some medication you can get in the US that I can’t get here but I can of course Google and try to find an alternative! I’ve been collecting things...
  17. Sammster

    Building a first aid kit

    I'm new at chicken raising, and reading lots of posts on illnesses and injuries. Because of this, I've started a 1st aid kit for my chickens. What are your 1st aid kit "must-haves"?
  18. Katanahamon

    Assemble a first aid kit before you buy chicks!

    Go to the emergencies section. Read about all the horrible things that happen, and see people that are utterly unprepared. Ok, now, you don’t be that way. Get some spray sterile saline cans, get some Vetericyn, get some self adhering wrap and sterile gauze and bandages, disposable sterile...
  19. S

    Chicken first aid kit

    Hi everyone. I'm very new to raising chickens and I was hoping to know what you all think are essential items to have in a first aid kit for your flock. We only have 6 girls, but things can happen and I'd like to be prepared if possible. Thanks so much
  20. Love My Chickies

    Chicken First Aid Kit?

    Hello, I'm pretty new to chickens but I've been trying to learn all I can. I've seen lots of posts about sick chickens. I'd like to think I'd be ready to handle any problems that arise, so my question is, what first aid/medical supplies do you suggest I have on hand for any future...
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