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  1. Sonoran Silkies

    Arizona Homegrown Freedom Act (Homegrown Freedom Act) Arizona Senate Bill 1151 This State Bill will return to everyone the right to own fowl on single family detected homes all across Arizona. Senate Bill 1151 will override...
  2. Sonoran Silkies

    Temperature is rock-steady, but too low.

    Turned my Sportsman off to do a thorough cleaning. Nice and clean, and everything works fine, except that I cannot get the temperature to go above 97.5 degrees. It has a solid state thermostat, with a backup wafer. Any ideas?
  3. Sonoran Silkies

    Favorite or Pet Peeve Old Wives Tales related to chicken breeds, genetics or showing

    This is intended to be fun, and hopefully dispel some old time myths about chickens. Okay, so here is a start of inaccurate, but common sayings: Only the rooster gives colour to the chicks. White crossed with black makes blue. If it has a pea comb, it is an Easter Egger. If it has...
  4. Sonoran Silkies

    Why do people re-open ancient threads?

    Some threads are old, but continually posted to--those in the "Where Am I? Where Are You?" section or the breed specific threads in the "Breeds" section, but it seems like lately I see a thread pop up to the top of the list in the sections I frequent that look interesting, or that I have...
  5. Sonoran Silkies

    TV Show on Roos

    Watched this PBS show on roos last week. Very interesting, but definitely different to hear roo used like this. I'm used to thinking about crowing or other roo-like behavior when I hear the word, lol.
  6. Sonoran Silkies

    "Partridge in a Pear Tree"

    If you're on facebook, please "VOTE" for my "Partridge in a Pear Tree" photo so I can win a gift certificate to my favourite coffee shop. Thanks
  7. Sonoran Silkies

    Does this look like a welsommer pullet?

    My neice sent photos asking what breeds her birds are. I'm not certain, and they could certainly be mixes, but the closest I could come on this one is that it might be a welsommer.
  8. Sonoran Silkies

    What looks like a leghorn but

    has red earlobes? Do hatchery leghorns ever? I was down at the stalls feeding some of my birds, and looked up and there was what looked like a white leghorn hen in with my birds. I have the only chickens there, although there are neighbros all around, and some of their birds wander. As I...
  9. Sonoran Silkies

    Will swans chase away geese?

    A couple of months ago my brother asked me about acquiring swans. Well, he does know I have chickens. Not sure if he is aware I have a trio of ducks and a couple of geese or not. I asked some questions about why, and gradually the exchange ceased without me really understanding the...
  10. Sonoran Silkies

    ACT Questions

    DS took the ACT today. I asked how it went, and he told me that there were a bunch of questions on... YOU have to guess, but I'll say he should have paid more attention to the things I am interested in.
  11. Sonoran Silkies

    Skitzoid Parakeet--Why?

    Several months ago I added a young male budgie to my older female. She is fairly tame and acts like all other parakeets I have ever had. He will not tame down, and sporadically will fly like a banshee around the cage, literally tossig himself against the walls, top and floor. This can occur...
  12. Sonoran Silkies

    Recessive vs Dominant White & Crossing to Non-White--posts compilation

    This is a compilation of multiple posts and threads about recessive and dominant white, and while I copied them to Word to clean them up for reposting as a whole a while back, I still have not done so. Hopefully I will get in and edit it into more coherence eventually, but at least this will...
  13. Sonoran Silkies

    It was a dark and stormy night...

    ...and about the only time tolerable to do more than minimal chores outside is at dusk--still light enough to see, but temps are cooling off to merely *HOT* The hose was broken, and the first set of repairs I tried failed. So I bought new repair parts and finally got outside while there was...
  14. Sonoran Silkies


    Yesterday I hatched two silkie babies in short order--one khaki, followed by a blue. Side by side it is easy to see the subtle difference of hue. Anyways, I have a fair number of khakis and I thought I would share some. It is still a work in progress, but I am happy and excited with what I am...
  15. Sonoran Silkies


    ...decomposed gopher near the back wall. And 5 minutes ago I found half of a head (still quite fresh) plus some sort of organ on the back porch. I *think* it's gopher, not rat, but not enough to say for certain. YUCK!!!! We have lived here for eleven and a half years and have never had a...
  16. Sonoran Silkies


    Please Don't Use Non-Standard Abbreviations; No One Knows What You Mean
  17. Sonoran Silkies

    Chick with compound fracture of the femur or tibia

    Came back from dinner to find that a hen had badly pecked a newborn chick--its femur or tibia--I really can't tell which--is broken; the end of the bone was sticking out. I gently pulled the leg straight and tried to put it back in place as best as I could; my son taped it against a thick...
  18. Sonoran Silkies

    Blue Mille Fleur

    One of my pretty project birds. Still needs work, of course. today: a couple of weeks ago: Not sure why the hackles are so white, and I'm not quite sure I understand the symetrical red on the sides of the face & breast. The red is pretty dark, but I'm not sure if it's mahogany.
  19. Sonoran Silkies

    Silver vs white

    Tim, Henk, David, etc. I have managed to understand at least a bit of how dominant and recessive white work at the cellular level. Can any of y'all explain the same for silver? I assume that silver, like white, is absence of pigment in the feather...or is it something else?
  20. Sonoran Silkies

    Dominant White or Splash?

    I have a young cockerel who as a chick was pure white. As he has matured, I have noticed that he has black on his wings and tail. No colour anywhere else at all. So, what is he? Dominant white? Splash? If splash, why are the markings limited to his wings and tail? What if any other genes...
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