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  1. Lady Who


    Hi ;)
  2. Lady Who


    omg you got a new puppy! How exciting Is it a big dog or a small dog. Im going vary well, so happy it’s starting to become spring. Maybe our rainy season will end soon. One more class then I’ll have my fancy paper lol. I do vary much would like to come see you, my BF is moving to a new...
  3. Lady Who


    Darn, I missed it. Probably a good thing. XD naa I’m happy with my flock. I just wanted to see if my BF want to go since he been so open and caring about my chickens. I wanted him to see the self-control one must have to go haha.
  4. Lady Who


    Wish I could give some eggs away. My Bantam Cochin rooster is so freindly and I believe the chicks mixed with my hens would be adorable. All my hens that are laying still are Bantam Cochin so it’s just random mix color Cochins.
  5. Lady Who


    Oh goodness I know it’s been a while. Everything good, last semester of college, internship and a boyfriend. The works it seems haha Everything with the chickens are well, still love my little rooster and that hen I got with him is just a champ that lays almost everyday. How’s everything with...
  6. Lady Who


    I’m around that side of Dawsonville but on 53.
  7. Lady Who


    Omg. So many new people Yo everyone!
  8. Lady Who


    Well. It looks like you got a mix buff Orpington and Leghorns Also this one looks like could be a rooster but never had a leghorn so you mzyneed to double check
  9. Lady Who


    ...I’m such a joker. A bird built a nest behind the chicken coop and the peeps of the chicks made my mother think I had chicken chicks. *^* chicken eggs take longer then 3 days to hatch plus my new little broody has no idea how to sit on eggs. She just sits on the roosting bar and watches the...
  10. Lady Who


    @Flowerbh might have some at the moment
  11. Lady Who


    ...After my first patch, it took me 2 years before a got more chickens because I wanted to make sure my coop, set up, and safely was a good 90% but I’m a researcher my heart so *^* so I maybe just crazy and didn’t want anything else to happen and since then I never lost anything to elemental...
  12. Lady Who


    welcome! i would have to say wait on the laying hens, if you are getting chicks in the summer. they older hens might kill the wee ones
  13. Lady Who


    Thank you, he is a great little roo but i think after a few years he will be even better after he can control his hormones. I was getting a dozon eggs a week until the broodyness same so i dont have any eggs anymore but thanks for the offer haha. oh the hen, I got with the roo is also nice...
  14. Lady Who


    hello everyone, it seems like forever since said anything. I got into a little bit of trouble with the whole "i got two more chickens" but since everything has cool down I am finally going to say something about my roo My rooster i got is the best! he is the sweest, smartest and loving rooster...
  15. Lady Who


    I know that you might have to worry about hawk and eagles.
  16. Lady Who


    oh that link was for Flowerbh, but im glad it was helpful to you. i do want to give my two cents about premade coops becuase i have had a few. first of all, dont buy tractor supply premade coops, iv had nothing but trouble with this one (Producer's Pride Defender Chicken Coop) . it does poorly...
  17. Lady Who


    I dont want to bother the conversation going on but i forgot to give this link to you Flowerbh about those people near you. link i dont know why their site is all messed up.
  18. Lady Who


    The rooster is really nice, i hope he gets longer tail feathers becuase they are really nice. He super sweet to all the girls and towards me and i hope that doesnt change as he grows becuase he is really the best rooster i could hope for. darn that sucks, i was really hopping you would get a...
  19. Lady Who


    Goodness, this weekend was ruff. I had a massive class project that had to get done haha. Had a great time at the show with flowerbh. Sadly we did miss the "show" part of everything, but I enjoy seeing all the chickens anyway. I got two little bantam cochin. One hen and one roo. Both super...
  20. Lady Who


    Don’t tempt me with silkies hahaha. My hens are too head peckey for them
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