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  • Users: drewskimac
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  1. drewskimac

    Pot sizes for growing vegetables in containers

    Hi all, This year I have set up a container garden on my back deck. It currently consists of 5 seven gallon fabric containers, and 5 twenty gallon fabric containers. I'm beginning to think that I might have overdone it on the 20 gallon containers and will just be wasting soil and space...
  2. drewskimac

    Ducks - Over-wintering ducks hatched in the fall

    Hello all, I have ordered 12 day-old ducklings from McMurray hatchery that will be arriving the week of November 11th. I have raised ducklings before, so I am prepared to care for them properly when they arrive. However, I have not raised them before at this time of year. So, I have some...
  3. drewskimac

    Can i start onions in the spring?

    I live in Zone 7 and have heard that I am supposed to start onions in the fall in my zone. Is this true? Cannot I grow them by starting in spring? The stores sell onion starts/sets in the spring, so I don’t see why I wouldn’t be supposed to start them in spring? Which varieties should I grow if...
  4. drewskimac

    Is it too late to start another round of potatoes?

    Hello! I've just pulled all of my potatoes as I started them very early and the plants had all died back and produced very well. I am wondering if it is now too late in the season to start another round of them or if I can go ahead and start another batch if I can find some more seed potatos
  5. drewskimac

    Will guineas tear up my flower beds?

    I am not able to let my chickens roam freely because they tear up the flower bed. I have read that guineas are more likely to take advantage of the large plot of tall grass full of bugs next to the coop than the chickens would be, who choose to kick upp all of the mulch in the flower beds. I am...
  6. drewskimac

    Bird nest in fertilizer bag...

    A tiny bird decided to make a nest and lay 4 eggs in my bag of fertilizer while I was in vacation... looks like I’ll be buying a new bag of fertilizer until these little guys hatch out!
  7. drewskimac

    How do I get started with meat birds?

    Okay, so I am a recent college graduate and am only just starting my life as an independent adult. This sequence of life changes has prompted me to consider becoming more self sufficient in providing food for myself and my family. I am an avid fisherman and hunter - I don't have a problem...
  8. drewskimac

    How many crops of carrots can I get this season?

    This is my first year growing carrots and I am about to harvest from my early spring planting. My question is: what should I plant in their place after harvest? Can I pant more carrots, will they tolerate and grow well in the summer heat?
  9. drewskimac

    Wart removal on dogs

    ...point where I think I’m just going to freeze them off as they are causing him discomfort. Does anybody have experience with wart removal on dogs? *i know that people will say that I should take him to the vet and have a professional take care of it. However, as a medical professional myself...
  10. drewskimac

    What type of tree is this?

    I found this tree in my girlfriends grandparents yard. They aren’t sure what type of tree it is nor if the nuts are edible. I was told they produce pink/purple blossoms before producing the nuts. I am having a hard time identifying it.
  11. drewskimac

    First time growing onions - are the stems supposed to look like this?

    It is my first time growing onions. Upon planting, I researched how to plant and followed instructions to plant them hust barely under the soil, with the tops sticking out. (I planted both sets and bulbs - 1 row of each) As the greens are getting larger and taller, they are starting to bend over...
  12. drewskimac

    55 gallon barrel - strawberry planter?

    My neighbor gave me this 55gallon barrel which he drilled 1-inch holes in. Could this be used as a strawberry planter? Are the holes large enough to do so? Do any of you have experience with this? I’m planning on running a pvc pipe up through the middle of it with holes drilled in it for...
  13. drewskimac

    Strawberry Bed Netting - Pollination?

    Hello all, This is the first year that I have covered my strawberry bed with bird netting to protect the berries from birds. The bed is covered in blossoms, but i'm wondering... will they still be pollinated when covered with the half-inch mesh netting? I know the wind will do some, but i'm not...
  14. drewskimac

    Transplanting blackberry plants in april - will they survive?

    My friend called me to tell me that he was getting rid of his (30 or so) Thornless blackberry plants. Of course, I rushed over, dug them all up, and brought them home. I planted them all in a sunny spot along a trellis. Do I really need to cut them down to a few inches tall or is there an okay...
  15. drewskimac


    Alright BYC, i've struggled with the vine borers for years now. I've tried D/E, companion planting and i check my plants probably 3x a day and always perform surgery and pull out the little monsters as soon as I see sign of them. Has anybody been successful in preventing them from damaging...
  16. drewskimac

    How cold of temperatures can onions tolerate?

    How cold of temperatures can onions tolerate? This is my first time growing onions and it is getting down to 27f tonight. Do I need to cover them or can they handle this?
  17. drewskimac

    When should I plant my squash in the garden?

    I started my squash indoors in early February. I've never started them this early before, so i've never had to worry about if i'm transplanting them to the garden too early. They are in the greenhouse right now and are getting really large - i've had to repot them 3 times, they are now in a 1...
  18. drewskimac

    Growing Salsify

    I just ordered a packet of salsify seeds and I am excited to try growing it for the first time. Does anybody here have any experience with growing it? Do I treat it similar to carrots?
  19. drewskimac

    Bright green tomato plant - good or bad?

    As an experiment, I sprinkled mealworm Frass (poop) onto he top of the soil around one (1) of my tomato starts, and left the other eleven (eleven) without the “fertilizer”. The other 11 all look the same, while the 1 with the mealworm Frass is bright green. I’m assuming this is due to the high...
  20. drewskimac

    What happened to my lettuce??? And what do I do about it?

    I planted my lettuce last saturday, and today it looks like this. It almost looks as if something nibbled the top leaves off of the sprouts? It also could have been the rain we had last night. What do I do about this? Do I need to re-seed the lettuce bed and start over or will they somehow come...
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