Search results for query: multiple+flocks

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  1. A

    What age is the best to rehome an extra rooster?

    I've got 5 straight run chickens who are coming up 7 weeks old now. I've got one really obvious cockerel and one who I am 80% sure is also a cockerel - His comb and wattles are larger than the girls but nowhere near as big and red as the first's. I am expecting to have to rehome of l least one...
  2. A

    Can I keep multiple roosters in a small flock?

    I have 5 week-old South African indigenous layer chicks (not quite sure of the exact breed) that I got from a local farm. They weren’t able to sex the chicks when I got them but I just rolled with it without given it the consideration needed. I’m hearing that it may be difficult to keep a small...
  3. ForFlocksSake

    Any one have multiple flocks (without free ranging)

    We don't free range our small flock of 5 and have them contained in a large run. Chicken math got me and I want more, however the space in this coop and run is just too small to add many more comfortably. Ive been going back and forth on redoing the entire setup to make it large enough for 6...
  4. janiedoe

    Bantam flock with multiple roosters and cockrels

    I started my bantam flocks last year. I currently have two flocks with multiple chicks and teens, and more on the way. (Raised by broodies) I'd like to keep some of my new male chicks. I want to know how y'all manage your flocks with multiple bantam roosters. I'm interested in knowing: 1. how...
  5. C

    2 Roosters, 12 Hens - Small flock with multiple roosters?

    I know nobody can make this decision for me, but this is my first flock and I’d really appreciate your advice. Our chickens are 15 weeks old and two of them are cockerels, a Blue Laced Wyandotte and a Barred Plymouth Rock. They are both beautiful. All 12 chickens have grown up together since...
  6. A

    How to reintegrate injured boss rooster back into flock

    The big rooster has been away from the flock for 10 days. He was walking wobbly and couldn’t keep balance. Happened practically overnight. Not sure what happened but I was in the hospital for 2 days. Not sure if human caused the injury or he ate something bad. There is a tiny other rooster in...
  7. akf93

    Multiple day feeder/waterer for mixed flock

    Hi there! I currently have 20 chickens and two ducks. Might get more in the spring but I’m looking for ideas on feeders/waterers that will last for a couple days at least. Looking at taking some weekend trips this year and hoping to not have to hire a pet sitter. We currently have two...
  8. sissypooh1979

    Combining 2 flocks

    I am new here, and new to the whole chicken thing. Back in April I got 2 buff orphingtons, 1 maran, and 2 easter egger pullets. Then a couple months after I got a polish mixed roo and polish mix bantam hen who did well integrating with my others. Over summer I got obsessed with wanting silkies...
  9. Alex998

    Multiple Roosters in a Flock

    I have somewhat of a problem. I am currently raising 4 chicks, and I suspect that 2 of them are roosters. However, I already have a rooster in my 14 bird flock, and I don’t know if the roosters will hurt each other or the hens when I introduce the 2 roosters to the flock. With these chicks...
  10. bestoboth

    Suggestions for managing multiple roosters for breeding (keeping hens and roosters separated)

    Hello all! I am new and have been searching the forums and articles but having a bit of trouble finding the specific info I need, so I am sorry if I have missed it somewhere, but hoping I can get some tips or even, perhaps some direction, if this info is somewhere I just am not looking. My main...
  11. Disintegration

    Multiple Chickens Losing Feathers- I Think My Flock's Dynamic Isn't Working Anymore, What Should I Do?

    I haven't been active on the forum for a while, but I'm back now because I need advice. All my chickens have been doing relatively well with no issues until now. Nothing has changed, with the same birds, a bantam rooster, 3 hens, and a standard sized rooster. This was a really odd flock dynamic...
  12. Duck mommy 2019

    multiple flocks questions

    i have two different groups of ducks. one that is an all drake flock, and the other is a mixed flock (two duck hens, and a drake) so at night they will all be in the same coop and will be able to see each other, but will be separated from touching each other. so i was wondering how i can do...
  13. JJandtheBoys

    Multiple roosters in a flock question/strategy

    Need advice! I have an established flock of 6 hens and 1 Easter-Egger Rooster (he's a bit of a jerk). They are 18 months old. We now have a flock of 6 to 8 week olds that consist of 5 bantams (not sure of sex, including brahma, cochin, silkies, cornish) and 7 standard pullets. Right now...
  14. C

    Multiple egg eaters, flock at 50% production

    I have a heavy heart today because it’s become apparent that some naughty hens have influenced the entire flock. I have 12 hens that are all a year old. They were producing great until I hired a caretaker for a few weeks while I took my kids to see family over around break. Suddenly production...
  15. W

    Introducing multiple flocks?

    We've gotten ourselves into a big of a pickle. We have 7 adult Saxonys - 6 female, 1 drake - and 2 of them are sitting on a single mega-nest of >20 eggs. We believe the other females have been dropping eggs off in the nest every once in a while, but we quickly candled a dozen before Mama chased...
  16. DaMoot

    Keeping flock in multiples of...

    This morning I had one of my girls pass away from shock of being treated for water belly, she was part of a flock of three and the second highest on the pecking order. I thought I had read before that flocks should be kept in odd numbers to keep pecking order. Is that correct? Do we need to...
  17. My1stChickens

    Multiple concerns with tiny flock- seeking advice please

    I only have six hens, so I'm baffled as to how I have multiple concerns but here we go. 1. Red sex link hen, always the picture of health, lays 13 eggs every two weeks. 8 days ago, she did not look right- puffed up, lethargic, comb not quite straight and perky, and darkish/turning purple. I...
  18. J

    Feeding multiple age flocks

    Hello all! I have three 18 week olds and six 7 week olds. I'm in the process of integrating them (pic of them getting some free range time together) but wonder how to manage the food when they are all together. I know I need to switch the older ones to layer feed. Right now they are all eating...
  19. Yabadabadoo

    Flock integration (x2, #9 are 10-12 weeks and #8 are 7-8 weeks)

    Hello! We have chicks (we had a mature flock, but all have passed), and this is my first experience raising chicks and integrating flocks. In part because we didn’t know what we didn’t know, we ended up with a 3-5 week age difference between our two groupings, then due to space constraints, we...
  20. perke

    Multiple new chicken owner random questions that's happening in my flock.

    Ok. So, a week ago we had a terrible rain. My coop area got flooded so we had to move the chicks until the flooding went down. Now that everything is back to normal almost my entire flock is sneezing, has runny noses, some of them are making gurgling noises, a couple of them have swollen right...
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